You're Working With Supergirl!?

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As Alex and I walked through the busy streets, I listened to the sounds around me, drifting into a deep thought. I could hear sirens, the voices of people, horns and birds. I was pulled from my thoughts when I realized that Alex had stopped walking. I let go of her hand, looking up at her. "Why'd we stop?" I asked, confused. "Because we're here." Alex laughed and took my hand, leading me into the tall building before us. We walked through the dark lobby to the elevator, where Alex had scanned her handprint, making the doors open. When we got in and the doors closed behind us, I asked Alex why she had to scan her hand. She kneeled down to my level before saying "Because the place I work at is top secret." I looked at her and said "oh." In reality, the thought had taken over my head and I began to wonder what she had meant. When we reached our destination, I had decided that she was a spy. The doors had opened and we walked into a large, dark area with lots of people, who were wearing the same uniform as Alex. "Welcome to the D.E.O." Alex said as I stared on in amazement. When I had came to my senses, I asked "what exactly does that mean?" Alex looked at me,"Are you sure you won't tell anyone?" She asked. I looked at her rolling my eyes sarcastically. "Who am I gonna tell? I have no friends and if I tell my teacher, she'll notify my foster mother and then she'll come looking for me." I said, looking down sadly. Alex frowned at me but went on, "it stands for Department of Extranormal Operations." I flashed her a look while following her to an elevated area in the middle of the room. "So like aliens?" I asked, still confused. "Exactly!" She called back. I shrugged it off and sat at an empty table to the left. Placing my computer down, I began working on school work.
I had just finished with homework when a strong gust of wind came through the clearing just ahead of where I had been working. I looked up and was astonished at the sight in front of me. Am I dreaming? I thought. I closed my eyes tightly for a minute and opening them I realized it was in fact, very real. I walked over to where my idol was standing, pulling Alex to the side. "You're working with Supergirl?" I said loudly in disbelief. "Actually.....She's my sister." I looked at her shocked, "WHAT?! How come you didn't tell me!" I said. "Well, it's not exactly something you tell just anyone, Kaylee." When she said this, I became extremely angry and lost it. "Alex, I'm NOT just anyone! I could potentially be your daughter and if that's how you feel then maybe I'm better off leaving!" I grabbed my bag and ran off down the stairs, towards the exit.

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