Part 3

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"Looks like we've got another!" Winter shouted at me.

"No need to scream it! I'm right here!" I said as I kissed him on the cheek and pulled out a file,"her name's Abby and apparently you and her have some history!"

"Funny, I think I'd remember her?" Winter said while tillting his head so he looked like a little chocolate puppy.

" long as you didn't sleep with her I'm ok!" I flirt as I twirl my hair around.

"Bleh! Honestly you two make me sick!" Lazercorn says while looking sick and pushing back on the wheely chair he's sitting on.

"Yeh right!" I sarcastically roll my eyes as I fix my hair into a loose ponytail.

We jump into action and ride our motorbikes into what looks like a hospital. Just as I skid to a halt in front of it I hear a loud skid and Winter falling off.
"Ahh, man!" He says as I run up to him. Scarlet stains his ripped jeans and he glasps it closer to his chest.
"What happened! You're not usually like this!" I shout in his face as I try to help but end up just kneeling down and doing nothing.

"I..I..I don't minute I was riding along with the rain falling on my hair and the next I'm on the floor bleeding out!"

"You know you're an idiot right?" I ask as I help him up and carry him back to base where Lazercorn is waiting for us, "You could have helped you know!"

"You remember last time I helped!" He starkly snaps as he twists around in his chair before switching on his computer.

"Jeez! " I say as I flop on my bed and let sleep exorb me!

"Any luck?" Winter asks
"No, you find anything?"
"Not much and I can't keep this up! I mean I like her and I also remember the name Winter but I KNOW I'm called Wes and I KNOW I shouldn't like her!"
"Just suck it up because we'll need all the help we can get In the long run!"

I turn to look into Lazercorns eyes but suddenly a boy with brown hair and a fiery haired girl enter the secret base.
"Hey! This is taking to long! Hi I'm D..I mean, this is..wait what's your name?" The boy asks the fiery one.
"It doesn't matter.." She shouts,  stress lined deep within her words.

I raise my eye brow and huff, "What? How did you find us?" I ask monotony. She sighs and looks at us like we're purposely annoying her.

"Just, please trust me when I say, go to the British museum of history at midnight tonight! You'll meet up with a few people but don't talk to them! Also make sure to NOT bring that person who's sleeping come, this is between the fan fiction rules and you! Abby will be there, let her push you into the portals! " she quickly stumbles over the words before almost rushing out.
"Oh, one more thing! You will have no memory of what will happen after this so....bye!" She says before I black out.

You do realise memories are like toys, they can be played with, broken or cared for. But no matter how well you treat a toy it's always going to wear with time. It's actually really easily memories are to play almost makes me feel sorry for them...
Well I'm over it! Time to rewrite reality!  Bye!

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