part 4

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As I smile happily at my slave and assassin assistant, Sade, I can't help but think about this reality.
I shake the thought from my head as I quietly dismiss Sade before thinking about who to taunt today. "Caitlin? No I gave her that cut yesterday, can't stress her to much can I!
Tom? I couldn' wouldn't be fair...oh but I can!" I chuckle as I get up and walk towards Thomas, adjusting my hair as I do so.
"Oh theorist. I'll give you something to theorise!" I laugh to myself as I realise I can just teleport there and do so.

Tom's P.O.V (Point of view)

"That was a close!" I announce as I keep a tight grip on the white crystal and run a hand through my lush, ginger hair.
"Not as close as you were to finding out the truth." Laughs a voice echoing from behind me, sending a freezing chill around my body. I turn with the speed of a bullet and find a scene that burnt into my eyes and seared into my brain. My friend being held, a knife close to his neck and none other than Abby in possession of that knife.
The knife so close to his neck it is actually cutting him at this very moment leaving flakes of scarlet across the blade.
Abby grinning as she see's the horror on my face as I inspect the scene, my eyes darting from place to place, looking again and again to check it's real. "You're adorable!" She comments as I stand frozen as reality dawns on me, draining me of colours and my body shuts down.
"" My friend says making Abby adjusts her grip on his head and cutting him on the knife as he talks, spraying scarlet infrount on his shirt. "It's...adorable! You're really lost aren't you? Hah, nothing without your powers aren't you!" She taunts as she turns her gaze upon me, her eyes burning into mine and searching for something unknown to me.
I give my friend a reassuring glance and we share a moment of hope before tearing my eyes away to stare at Abby, "I knew I was a threat! This means I was close right!"
Abby sighs before shaking her head, "You don't get it! I've got your conspiracy friend at..knife-point and i'm all seeing, knowing and all that! You! Can't! Beat! Me!" Abby exclaims before laughing to herself, sending the knife slicing tiny cuts upon my friend, adding to the scarlet gathering on his neck.
I smile before tightening my grip on the crystal, knowing she's blissfully unaware of my little secret"Oh that guy, I was using him! He doesn't actually matter!" I lie, grinding my teeth together to stop me from screaming as Abby laughs.
Abby see's straight through my lie as she takes her knife away from my friend's neck but does not let go of his head, "You seriously think I'm that idiotic?"
"Well you did just take the knife away from my neck! Inabling me to do this!" Laughs me friend as he kicks Abby in the stomach and runs towards me, leaving Abby hurt and confused. A walm wave of hope and happiness washes over me as I sneer at Abby and look at my friend.
"That's not going to heal!" My friend comments as he feels his neck, staining his fingers with scarlet and making me almost forget how he got it. A tightness in my chest informs me that although I'm not the happiest person or the luckiest I still have something to fight for, "Remind me to hug you when this is all over!" I say to my friend as I look towards Abby. He laughs before kissing my cheek, "Sure thing little guy!"
Abby rolls her eyes before pointing her knife at me, "remind me to create a reality where you're Asexual ok, then you'll never be happy!"
"Yes, He'll never be sexually happy but I'll be reborn as a Pizza and then he'll be happy!" My friend laughs.
I smile before a knock echoes on the door behind me.
"Did anyone order pizza?" Asks a voice from behind the door.
Abby look towards me before I shrug. "I could use a bite after I take care of you!" She threatens as everything goes black, the only thing reminding me of reality is the thumping sound in my ears.

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