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The air is crisp, whatever that means.
The sunrise light escaping and framing the castle infront of us and the cold morning air calming the silence and making the world seem to stop spinning for just a few seconds.
Our footsteps and breaths seem to echo and be the onlythings that matter as we walk, the single thought of defeating Abby in our mind.
Poisioning our actions and tainting our minds but we don't know that.

"This is going to be a fight!" Thomas shouts as we approach Abby's castle, although he was stricken to the bone with fear no less than a day ago he seems to have regained his confidence, boldly staring down the threat of death with a proud smile and a strong will.
I nod as we walk towards the huge castles doors, we're twins and we fight together.
"So who do you assume we get to fight? Her attack hounds? Her little second in comand? -" Thomas starts excitedly but I cut him off with a swift motion with my hand as the castles doors creak open without a touch, silencing the world in that slow movement.
"Or maybe even the main girl herself..." I quietly finish as I hold my sword close to my body, ready to strike, I won't let a days of training go to waste.

I enter after Thomas, into the dark and suprisingly dimmly lit hallways of the enemies castle, I still can't believe this is where she resides, how haven't people just blown this place up already.
I am snapped out of my thought by the door slamming behind us and the falling of dust as, I assume, a human jumps above us.
I guess you don't worry when you pretty much own the world...

"You shouldn't be here yet." A voice echoes above us, a sharp tone to the voice, leaving a deadly atmosphere in its wake.
Thomas and I look at each other, neither wanting to talk or move incase danger falls from above in the fall of Abby.
"But you are...curiouse." Another voice echoes, this time with hint of amusements hidden in its words.
"You are stronger than we thought."
"Possibly strong enough to weaken her at most..."
"But not enough to kill her."
Four more voices echo and we prepare our weapons and turn back-to-back as we hear movement and dust falls.
A second of silence falls before five shodowed figures drop and surround Thomas and myself.
Getting up from their landing the five strangers smile before a tall, strange faced, short rough silver haired boy with a strange red hat atop that looks like it was pulled straight out of the story of the three musketeers and wearing a matching red coat, black trousers, black gloves and thick black boots laughs and sates confidently, "You'll need us to do that."
Thomas pulls me towards him before screaming at the boy, "Wait! I kniw you! You stole the white gem! What the hell!"
The boy bows proudly bedore smirking, "Guilty as charged! Abbys lead assassin, Sade at your service!"
They all bow and smirk, each adorned with the same outfits but with diffrent colours.
"Abbys most skilled long distance assassin at your service, Vera"
"Poision expert assassin, Benjamin at your service."
"Charming assassin, Gabriel at your service."
"Silent assassin Olwen at your service."

"So your assassins who work for Abby?" I ask, confident that we're going to get killed any second.
"Yes. I'm her second-in-command. Her most trusted and loyal friend." Sade proudly states, smirking again like a self intitled idiot.
"Any we're meant to believe after what you just said, you want to help us defeat her?" Ask Thomas, compleatly on the same wave-length as me.
He shakes his head, being the edge lord he is, "No. We want to help you kill her!"

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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