Part 6

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A pain courses through me before I jerk awake. My muscles burn and a numb burn streaks across my left palm where the white gem I was clutching should be. "Glad to see your awake. Now eat!" Orders a slightly welsh voice as a plate is thrust towards me by a masked boy. "How do I know you're not trying to kill me like-" i go to ask before being cut off by the voice again. "Like Abby or Him?" The boy, I assume, asks before pointing to a dog wearing the same mask but smaller. "Yeah...." I whisper as I look around and come to a conclusion,"we've got to fight...." The masked boy tenses at this proposal before relaxing, "At least tell me your name before I fight you." "That's it? I don't have to explain anything about why?" I ask as the boy sighs and gets up from his log. He shrugs, "I'm sure you have your reasons, As do I but I won't bother trying to understand them, to much effort." I nod before smiling, a warmth filling my body despite the cold breeze blowing through my surroundings,"My name is Thomas." The boy laughs and i don't have to see to know he's smiling, "Thomas, you seem like a decent fellow and I hate to kill you." I hold in a snigger before quoting, "You seem like a decent fellow, I hate to die," The masked boy laugh before bowing, "The name's The Chemist. Actually it isn't but who can blame me for not wanting to be called white!" I laugh at his choise of name, "White? Isn't that a bit...racist?" I ask before he fixes me with the most seriouse look. "Yeah! But it's the only name I've got." He asks as he tilts his head in confusion. "Um...well..." I trail off and scratch the back of my head. "If you don't like it you can just call me by my middle name." The Chemist suggests and i look up at him, "And that is?" "Jason...." He whisper and looks down before awkwardly smiling at the dog in the mask.  
" White Jason?" I ask.
"....My parent's were..strange." He tries to state before HE REMINDS ME THAT WE SHOULD BE FIGHTING. "Fuck fighting! Also please tell me you killed Abby!" I shout as I remember that little- "No but I kicked her butt. She won't be up and about for a few days so goodbye!" Smiles Jason as he walks away with the dog behind him. "Stop! Is that it?" I ask as I look around, "Abandoning me in a forest?" Jason sigh before turning around, "Take Damien. He can protect you, He's a rasiliant dog and a hansome one at that!" The dog struts towards me as Jason walks away. "Sup mate?" Jason asks but he's nowhere to be seen. "Down here you mutt!" Shouts the voice again but once I look all I see is the dog, Damien I think it was. "Are you an Idiot! I'm the dog!" Says Damien apparently. "But that's Jason's voice!" I exclaim, my mind in a flurry. "Yeah...He made me a voice thing and modelled it after his own...yeah!" Damien informs me before I pick up my friend and continue forward to hopefully salvation.
Looking at the dog I start to feel drowsy.
"Don't. I practically was born in a danger zone so don't get to close, touch me or possible even stare at me for to long. Jason's safe since he's lived in the wasteland to but a simple mortal such as yourself, not a chance!" Laughs Damien in a strange dog way.
I roll my eyes before following the welsh, deadly dog.
"By the way I'm more of a wolf than a dog." He comments.

Hey venomfox65....text me if you want a chapter relesed every day on the count-down to christmas. I'm bored and the chapters might be a little christmassy but It's good to know you're still alive!

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