Part 2

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"Can I come in now?" Asks a muffeled voice from behind a door. I roll my eyes and sigh,"Are you alone?"
A moment passes before the voice speaks again,"Yes...I think, can you just let me in?" It asks, I think for a moment before opening the door and letting the person in.
"Do we seriously have to go through that all the time!" He asks as he smiles before looking around the house with wonder.
"Yes! You never know who might follow you!" I say before going in the kitchen and grabbing two drinks.
"Yeah, as if people would follow me! I'm a nobody remember!" He laughs before I return with the drinks and sit down.
"Yes, HERE maybe but what if you WERE somebody!" I say as he grabs the drink out of my hand.
"Seriously! Ultra coffee! These where made for Superhumans, how are you not dead!" He shouts before tipping it all down the sink and crushing the can.
"I..don't know. Maybe I was somebody as well!" I say as I suddenly grow excited and open my other drink.
"Come on! Stop drinking this stuff! How late were you up last night!" He says as he grabs my other one, drinking it himself this time before checking me to see if I have any more on me.
I sigh before thinking, "I actually don't know...I guess I didn't go to sleep..."
He sighs before taking his hat off and wiping the sweat off his brow, putting the hat bavk on again, "And I suppose you found something?"
"Yep! Sure did, look!" I say before taking out a white crystal.
"Dude! You're meant to give those to Abby as soon as you find one! You're going to get us both killed!" He says as his sparkling chocolate eyes grow wide and he becomes worried.
"Were you not lisening to anything I said! Abby's evil! Now I just have to find a way to get this thing to work..."
"Please! Stop this! You know Abby will send an assasin after you!" He says before grabbing the crystal.
"Please give it back!" I beg as I try to grab it back, fail and we both lose grip of it, toss it out of the house window. We both panic before busting out of the door and tumbling over each other.
"My, my! Are you both ok? It seems you're both in a hurry to get this thing, what is it?" Says a proud British voice from above us. I jump to my feet before inspecting the stranger holding the white crystal.
He has a strange face and short rough silver hair with a strange red hat atop that looks like it was pulled straight out of the story of the three musketeers. He also wears a matching red coat, black trousers, black gloves and thick black boots. "Ummm..sorry Sir but that crystal is nothing, we were was gifted to us by a very important person! So if you don't mind please could you hand it over?" I say as I hold out my hand.
The strange man smiles and a unexplainable look appears in his eyes, "And who may be this special person? A family member, King, Queen, Abby?" He asks.
"A..Abby! Oh..Abby gave it to me sir!" I say unsurely. The stranger starts to think before smiling knowingly, "Really? Do tell me how Abby gave this to you!"
I panic but quickly recover and turn away,"That is none of your business sir! Now give me that! Good bye sir!" Grabbing the crystal quickly I dash inside the house as my friend has already recovered from busting through a door and brewing coffee.

Unknown from Tom and his slightly clever friend, the English stranger is smiling to himself before reveling the real white crystal in his hand. "Pity I had to do this, that boy seemed very..."
"incapulating?" Says a long red haired lady aggarbed in a violet hat, coat, black trousers, thick black boots and black gloves just like the stranger.
"Ahh I see you got my message, how was your trip?"
"Considering I had to journey through the palace, uneasing." She says silently.
"Don't flatter yourself Vera, I think we all feel a bit unnerved at the sight of Abby but we both serve her, you of all people know that!"
"Yes Sade I know that! Now what are we going to do?"
"I suggest we stick to the plan! There's no way it could go wrong, all in favour say I"
"Ahh nice of you three to join us! Please come, it's not like we're at any risk." Says Sade as he bows and inspects the shadows of his cohorts.
Three shadows appear and walk towards Vera and Sade.
"Greetings Gabriel, how was your travel?"
A man with golden, curly long locks of hair under a green Hat with a green coat, black boots, black gloves and black trousers bows and smiles at Vera," I trusted you'd recognise me after all these years." He says in a charming, sweet voice. "Of course, although I must say your fashion sense hasn't got any better" Vera jokes as she steps closer to Gabriel. "I'm afraid I can't help it as the second I saw you I was blinded by your beauty and was rendered unable to see anything except your stunning face. Vera laughes before rolling her eyes and looking towards one of the shadowed men.
Another man with well tended black hair a black hat, boots, coat, trousers and gloves bows his head and inspects Vera with his violet eyes, " Trust you Gabriel to start flirting with Vera on the job! How are you Sade, is the sword serving you well?" He asks Sade.
"Very well, in fact I couldn't have asked for a better on. Thank you Benjamin!" Answers Sade as he bows back to Benjamin.
And finally another wearing a white coat, hat, black trousers, boots and gloves bows, taking off his hat and revealing a mess of bright orange hair smiling and looking around with his striking red eyes.
"You all understand why we have to meet in secret, correct?" Asks Sade.
"Yes Sade. We all remember!" Says Gabriel in a harsh tone.
"Gabriel is there a problem?" Benjamin asks slowly before Gabriel draws his sword hiden under his coat. "Yes Benjamin there is a problem. Sade thinks he's better than me, I think I should show him who's better!"
Sade laughs before drawing his own sword, "If it is a duel you want then it's a duel you shall get!"
They both start dueling before a gunshot is heared. They both stop and look ftom where the shot came. "Seriously you two! You're both Abbies most trusted and skilled assasins, pull yourselves together!" Shouts Vera as she puts her gun away. Sade and Gabriel sigh before putting their swords away and bowing to each other. "Now I fear because of Vera having to bresk you two up we are not safe anymore and most part, we will meet soon. Be it fighting together or apart." Whispers Benjamin before slowly climbing up the building being him and vanishing from view. "I will never understand that man." Says Sade as he casually bows his head and walks away into the night. "I hope we shall meet again my fair lady! But remember we part because God said we must, I guess he just can bare me and you." Smiles Gabriel before whistling for a ride and driving away. Vera's smile fades and she asks to herself silently, "What about the people we killed?"
"They died because she said they must! And soon she'll dissappear, so be happy here!" Answers the last remaining stranger with red eyes.
"Oh Olwen I forgot you hadn't left yet, you were so quiet!" Laughs Vera. Olwen thinks for a moment before opening his mouth to say something only to be silenced by Vera, "Shhh! No more from you. Good bye!" She says as she walks away.
As Olwen stands alone on this cold night he realises something.
"Oh God! I sounded like a song out of a musical!" He shouts before laughing to himself and happily walking off.

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