Part 9

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Tom's P.O.V

As I end the call a sinking feeling burrows itself into my chest.
The forest seems to fold inwards on itself around me but with a steady breath I place my phone in my pockets and march ahead.
"How long have we been here?" I ask to Damien, who I still can't belive can talk but oh well...
"Two hours." He answers without stopping or hesitating, his four legs just keeping up with my brisk pace.
I sigh again, the air in this forest seeming to try to choke me with every breath.
"Dude! You're waistin' air." Jokes Damien as he tries to brighten the mood, I keep on walking and try to ignore him.
"Come on! Ok ummm....Oh hey! You're the dude who got shut down by a girl in your class right?" Damien asks, still just keeping up with me.
I shake my head, not wanting to tslk to anyone right now in fear of the pit in my chest.
"Oh! That was the other one...well you've probobly dated a few girls right, a charming young lad like yourself!" Damien carries on, I notice he's not a dog for giving up is he?
After a few minutes he gets the hint and looks around, " haven't dated anyone? Really? What are you, like fifteen, thirteen?"
I roll my eyes, my emotins betraying me and forcing a smile upon my face.
"Hah! I got you to smile! Also these woods are haunted!" Damien says with the biggest toothy grin he can muster.
I stop, the colour draining from me, "What!"
"Oh yeah, didn't I tell you before, I've been meaning to tell you for a few hours now." Damien shrugs and plods ahead.
Haunted? Really? You have all this worlds woods and You, Thomas, the crazy nut-job, get stuck in a weird haunted one?
I make a face, portraying my annoyance to anybody who might be around, watching or reading, like one of my theories suggest.

"Hey, Watch it!" Shouts Damien as a bird, a crow I belive swoops down and lands right infrount of him, making him stop and snarl.
"Chill. What have you got against birds?" I ask as I laugh to myself while shooing the bird away.
"Nothing! I've just never seen one before, I've never seen a proper forest either." Explsins Damien casually, I turn to him.
"Really? Explain more."
Damien shrugs while continuing walking, "I live in a toxic waste-land, my 'forests' are giant black plants that ooze neon green goo and move. The 'animals' are mostly deadly and a 'bird' is a thing that swoops down, picks you up and drops you to your death, claws your eyes out or infects you so you become a weird Zombie."
Yeah...I don't think I'm going to be asking about that any more...

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