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Dear Rose,

I wish you luck with your journey and grant you evermore love, for my heart will always be yours to harbor. I have had an exquisite experience with you here and greatly wish to see, and hear from you, again. Though you must journey forth I give to you this letter and a thornless rose as I can remember the first day I met you as if it were yesterday:

I was walking down through the grand garden, a evening stroll if you must insist, and there is were I was bewildered to find such a rose amongst others; you. Your hair was bristling with the low breeze, eyes glowing as your finger struck a roses petal, the petal as soft to the touch as my finger is to your dearest skin. You'd saw me and pricked your finger upon a thorn as I'd neared you to offer you my hand to help your own.

I'm not sure if you remember this all, of course your perspective may beg to differ, but in any on going words, you're my rose. Your beauty compares to no other, your touch light as if a butterfly has cast its wings on my outstretched hand.

I'll miss the strolls we'd often take down by the shores and that bright laughter you've endured. It'll be as if it were all a dream, though I'll never forget the marks you've made of me. I knew this one would come, but may I just say how time quickly time flies when shared with you at side. The world was nearly so much lighter once you'd showed up in it, the grass evermore green and birds more chirping. I hope the sun never dims or my love ever lessons. I just wish for you to come back one day as I intend to wed with you in the end. That's my dream, truly it is. And I know you've said not to let others effect the way you dream, but you haven't forced anything upon the way my heart thinks, you've simply shown me what it truly desires. You've shown to me happiness which is a rare feature to hold onto for so long.

Of course I must let you go, but I'll never forget. I mean that with the whole of my heart. I kiss you one last goodbye and wish you farewell as I stand by to see you sail the ocean to the other said. Tell America, I say hi.



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