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Days following up led to few packing and newer adventures. I'd gone out and bought myself a journal, leather bound, and a graphic pen. I'd started writing about my journey here but I hadn't really known much as I haven't really gone out much, not alone anyways. Andrew had been over here more, always giving me writing tips and new ideas. It was an admirable way to pass time with him, and I couldn't believe when he'd brought to me a letter from home; Dennis.

"I'll let you be," he'd said to me after shutting the door to my room and heading down to the main floor to chat with Kiara. I sat up straighter in my bed and opened up the letter with a light tear on the end of the envelope, deliberately sealed. Unfolding the crisp letter a small rose petal fell out of the pocket made. I pick it up delicately and bring it to my nose, it reminded me so much of home. I set it down on my bedside table before reading the words he'd written for me:

My Rose,

How I've come to miss you and all your witty outlooks. Coffee isn't as greeting as it had been when you where around to see to it with me, neither had it been to tend to the lonesome roses. They seem gloomy without your shiny presence and it makes me miss you evermore so.

I was grateful to have heard from you so safely and it warmed my yearning heart so much that I knew instantly that I must write back to you. Nothing news really come amongst us here but you're the one gone halfway across the world so, how is it? How is the place you're currently bedding in and the people you've grown to come closer to? I hope you haven't moved on or forgotten me so simply, it would have been a shame to have lost such a beauty and thorny rose.

I'm just kidding, you're no pain to me but a joy. It's great knowing you are the one I've given my heart to as I know you will do you're best to tend it as I've admired you for the roses.

I guess that sums the majority of it up, and I hope to hear from you as soon as is possible. I love you dearest.



I smile and bounce up and down in glee. I knew I had to write back and so writing back I had done.


It's so good to have heard from you, I knew you wouldn't of forgotten me quite so soon, if you were to ever. I wish I were there to fix the wilting roses, I do miss them and thank you greatly for a part of them. It was a nice treat to have been given and now I shall give you something in return, the truth.

America isn't like home, in which I miss beyond compare, it is more independent, if I chose correctly. I mean this in saying that people here have no direct links to others and are rather self concluded and on their own in most timings. I guess that's were I differ as I'm so used to having company and cheerful faces to adjourn with me...

I'm not completely alone, however, I actually room with a young girl named Kiara who is unusual to anyone at home, more bubbly and outgoing if I do say so myself. She is a rather hefty handful at times, though I have come to adore her slight flaws and inattentive doings. I've just begun to see a fair man whom is named Andrew, he's offered me both a job and a trip across America, and I just had to accept it. He's offered me to write as a journalist about the interesting aspects from a new perspective.

I've really nothing else to say beyond that, though I must conclude with the lack of roses in town, I haven't tended in so long that I fear I wouldn't have managed to prick a single finger on a thorn if there is none to prick from. I guess you're in luck there, but I hope your fingers are clear just as mine have been since taking off.

I'd love to hear from you just as soon,


I fold it and bring it down to Andrew whom reads it aloud, smiling warmly at the mention of his own name. Once done he hands it back to me and contemplates what there is to say on it.

"It's swell." He responds, very short and sweet to the touch.

"Just swell?" I mock playfully.

"The writing is in such fine technique and is truly mesmerizing and concluding?" I know he was trying to match everything up, it was nice hearing such congratulations from one person, the only person who really understood me and my writing whole.

"Why thank you," I say with a swift curtsy. I place the letter within an envelope and seal it, giving it back to him as he pockets it. He turns to go, hesitant before leaving. A question sits ahold of my tongue but it wasn't my space to intrude on his going.

"Do you see it now? You two are perfect for each other!" Kiara comes in, causing me to jump as I'd forgotten her presence lonesome.

"I see not as my heart has been given and kept to another man. If Andrew has chosen to so foolishly fall into my arms, then I cannot promise to catch him." I snap a little to urgently. Kiara's face falls and she takes a step back, leaving heavy on her mind.

"I'm sorry for, what would you say? Intruding?" She wasn't trying to be snappy but I'd put her down. I frown and look down towards my flats.

"Yes, as am I? Goodnight dearest Kiara, I wish you a wells sleep of night." I slip away before she can answer and lay down in my bed, rubbing he soft petal before it has time to turn brown and crumbly. I bring it to my lips and kiss it, my heart shaking at the gesture.

I was in love with Dennis, wasn't I? Andrew was simply just an acquaintance, that's all we'd promised on, right? Kiara is wrong?

I fell asleep that night with questions buzzing within my head...

Exquisite ~ Book OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant