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With the morning awakening I slip from the room, it wasn't easy knowing I'd be leaving the love of my life that very day. If I was to be honest, I'd even allow myself to show and feel no more than fear. Fear for him, not the traveling over seas or the life in America that I have yet to seek. I just-

"Rose?" Filled with sleep his deep voice cracked. Fully unexpected, I jumped.

"Yes?" I respond through the dark, the fire burnt out a a cool breeze tussling with my hair, goosebumps coming to run up my arms. My stomach had sunken.

"Are you okay?" I swallow down and place a coy smile on my face as I manage my way back to him. Through the dark, my cowardly smile didn't even manage a glance as it was to dark to truly see much of me.

"I just needed a bit of fresh air, there is nothing yet to fear of me." I crawl back on the bed beside him and lay myself down by his side, head over heart, the noise I enjoyed falling asleep to most. He sighed sweetly and stroked at my hair, a hand brushing a cheek as I raise my chin to look at his own face. "You didn't believe me to forfeit my dreams, had you?" I feel his lips curl up into a lazy smile, his eyes shutting slightly.

"Oh no, my Rose isn't an ordinary rose for she has petals of silk, vines of fair skin, leaves of natures insight, and thorns of sharpness. You're no dreamer dearest, for you've nearly achieved it all and there is so much time before us that I've become acceptant to the fact that you'd be coming back. Of course it pains me to say all of this, but it isn't my place to intervene in other people's dreams." My lips manage a slight grin though it quickly fades.

"Will you truly be okay, and be truthful to me, I can tell when you lie through dark evermore so in light." His smile lessons.

"How must I put my cowardliness into words if a man never admits such failure. I should feel freely for you not be greedy of you to wish you to stay were you've already become accustomed to. I'm just fearful of you never coming back to me, Rosie." I frown and burry my face upon his firm chest.

"It's a truthful thing to fear, though you shouldn't have to. Be of a dreamer and dream of me 'til the day I sail back across the seas to be home upon your chest again. I believe not, of having anything to fear kindly gentleman." Dennis says nothing for a while, silence taking over us besides the beating of his rushing heart. It made my stomach sink further within my stomach. Why did it feel so much guilt upon me?

"And dreaming of you I will, fair lady." He sighs a sleepy sigh and soon yet, yawns. "As a matter-of-fact, I'll leave you to dream of you now, if you wouldn't mind the lack of time I've got to spend with you. It'll be a bigger day later on and we have yet to do." I only yawn, lowering my chin down so it no longer faces him.

"Goodnight Dennis, I wish you the best of dreams." With that, I sunk into the darkness as if all was forgotten.


I hadn't heard Dennis wake up, nor felt him slip out from underneath my head, but the smell of brewed coffee had awoken me only hours upon the last awakening. I was going to slip from bed to join him when he comes into the room to serve me in bed. I thank him and take the glass. He sighs beside me and I stare into the dark pool of brown.

"Might I know what bothers you this glorious evening?" He looks to me and brushes a finger of my cheek, raising my chin to face towards him. I lock sight with him, worry showing on my, otherwise, blank face.

"I'll miss you, Rosie." He finally says. It's rare to find him speaking up of his own feelings, so I intended to assist his needs, setting down the glass to grab on of his hands and squeeze it briefly, yet firmly.

"I know, and I will miss you as well, but we can't let that get us in the way. I departure today, and though it pains me, I must go forth with my own dream before I can grant to you a new dream to insist aide to." He nods his head in understanding and stands.

"Are all of your things packed up?" He says. His face grew hard and I shivered at this unusual tone.

"Yes," I answer.

"Then we must get to it if you wish to see the roses once more before you go." He smiles now and I can't help but to follow along with it. I drink quickly at my steaming glass of coffee and tend to my shoes before we make way to the garden trail and stand before the roses one last time. "Now Rosie," he says playfully and I roll my eyes, a terrible manner but playful action.

"I know, don't go around pricking mine own fingers." He laughs a deep laugh and it makes me smile even more. That's when it was time for us to get my things and head to the boarding where we looked at the rolling sea. It was breezier by the shore than it was the garden and it tangled my hair. I ignored that fact and waited more for my ship to be ready to enter on. Waiting, I turn to Dennis who licks over his lips, the lips outstretched into a straight line of dismay. "I will come back for you." It wasn't a promise, but some part of me knew.

"I know, my Rose." He brushes my pale cheek once more.

"Annabella!" A man screams my name, ushering me over towards the boats docking. I tense and fear ignites in Dennis' eyes. I shake my head slightly.

"All will be well if you keep me close to you through all." He nods his head stiffly and leans in to kiss the fair of my cheek before letting me go.

Turning away, the kiss he'd given me burns into my skin as it was the first kiss ever received, and it was for a goodbye...

Exquisite ~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now