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I can already say that I miss you you greatly, I can assume you feel the same. I know me leaving was probably a hard thing to partake in, but once I return I will have more stories to share with you. Think of the positives not the negatives and soon enough, it will lead me straight back home to you.

May I just add that that kiss was breathtaking. I'd like you to know that it was my first even if it meant the fairest goodbye. I'm going to miss are evening strolls through the gardens just as much as I will be lost to you and my rose bushes. Will you tend to them for me?

I couldn't sleep and was thoroughly thinking of you when I decided to write to you on this quick journey forth. As far as I have to say is that this both creaks sometimes and I fear the noise. This sea is new to me yet and I can't imagine the creatures within it. Just last morning had we seen dolphins jumping from afar and a swarm of birds dive down to gather their feed. Oh, how it was so exhilarating! I wish you could have been there.

I guess the sun has started rising which means it won't be long 'til others begin to wake. I may as well try for some sleep and assure you a warming dream of you. I just thought I'd make note of this current journey ongoing without you, assure you of my safety, and wish you all my love.




I wake up with a stretched yawn and sit up from my cot. It wasn't all to comfy to sleep on though there wasn't much else of a choice. I shiver as the covers slide down from my shoulders and slip my feet into their slippers, standing up to find a proper dress to wear. We should be landing tonight if not sooner and I wished to look appealing to the eye. The men aboard had warned me that their style was different there, but I had insisted on my own. How different could it be?

"Annabella! I see land!" It shocked me to hear that so soon and I went to get dressed quickly, fixing my hair up. By the time I made it up to the front deck, I too, saw land ahead. It wasn't much to see from this far away but for what I saw, was green. I smile and lean over the railing slightly, enjoying the whipping sir as some of my hair falls loose from its tie.

"How long will we be arriving to?" I ask.

"A few hours at the latest though I couldn't give you an exact time period. Shouldn't be until before sunset, however." I sigh and close my eyes as I enjoy it. "If you'd like to, we can call you up wavy the time we're nearer to it." The man says. He was fairly nice.

"I guess I'll get back to my book then, good day kind sir." I grant him a smile and retreat back to my quarters, sitting down on my sturdy cot just to pull out a book. I've been reading the Secret Garden for a while now and it was fairly interesting to me. Of course all olden books were as they were always changing. I loved the romance of them, they were, as if, my own inspiration.

"Land! Land!" The sailors shout.

I put down To Kill a Mockingbird, the fourth and final book I'd had time to finish, and make my way back up to the deck where I see we've settled into a spot near the landing.

"Would you like me to get your bags ma'am?" One of the sailors ask. I nod my head pleasantly and lead him to were I've been sleeping in. He helps me grab my things as we let off the boat and onto the dock that creaks under the new of our weight. Walking, he leads me to a woman about my age that stands near a yellow motorized vehicle. She waves to me as I return the gesture and take her hand when within reach.

"You must be Annabella. Am I correct?" She asks politely.

"The one and only," I say with a smile, releasing her hand and looking around me.

"Are you ready to go?" The woman asks as she opens a door, gesturing me towards it.

"Where are we off to?" I ask as I walk to the opposing side of the car.

"Your hotel of course. I didn't expect you to walk with that kind of luggage, did you?" She was laughing. I didn't follow.

"Well alright then, let's be on with it," I respond with a small smile, confused as I slid into the cushioned seat.

"Hotel Marion, here we come." The woman says before the vehicle roars to life and moves along. I grip the handle beside me as my eyes widen. Everywhere I've been before had been through walking or horse pulled carriage, things that roared, I have not. Until now of course.

"May I ask where that place might be?" I say in a small voice. The girl looks at me and laughs.

"Oh, and I'm Kiara by the way." She says as we ride on. By the time the vehicle stops we've made it to sunset. "Let me get your things for you and then I'll show you your room." She smiles and leads me up the stairs of a large house. It amazes me at how big it is and by the numbers of doors it has.

Exquisite ~ Book OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz