Look Away

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Your POV:

"Ok out of everyone I trust to guide me while I'm blindfolded, none of them are guiding me right now." I put my hands out.

"Relax. I got you." Kling said.

"I DON'T TRUST HER! Where's ARod?"

"I'm right here. Kling, move." I felt hands on my shoulders. "I got you."

"Thank god. I feel safe now."

"Just a little bit more." I heard Ali. "Ok stand her right there. 

"Ok, I'm letting you go now," Amy said. "Be free." She let go.

"Well, now I'm just scared." I felt around me.

"Someone record this she looks like an idiot." 

Kelley's POV:

"Record me and I'll hurt you." I watched Y/N swing her arms around. Kling had her phone out. 

"Kling," Amy said. "Stop." She looked at me. 

I gave her a thumbs up. 

"Ok. Have fun Y/N." Ali said as they walked away. They walked to me and hid. 

"Guys?" Y/N kept spinning around. "Guys this isn't funny? What the fuck are you idiots doing?"

I walked towards her and put my hands on her shoulders.

"GET THE FUCK OFF!" She started swinging. 


"Kelley? What the fuck is going on?"

I took the blindfold on. "I wanted to surprise you!" I stepped aside. "Surprise"

"What's all this?" 

"Something I wanted to do," I said. "You always talked about Europe and when it was announced we'd play here I was hopeful we'd both be on the squad. The first time, it was half-assed. I just threw everything together and wish I did something more. Then everything happened and it was like the universe gave me another chance to give you the proposal I originally wanted. The one you deserve."

"What's going on?" She asked.

I smiled. "You'll see."

Some of the team walked out. Christen walked over to me. "Do it right this time." She whispered handing me the ring box.

"What are they doing here?" She said looking at Tobin. 

"You'll see." Tobin repeated. 

"Walk with me." I said to Y/N. We walked away from Tobin and Christen. "They told me to put rose petals down and shit but I know you hate that."

"Yeah." I said. "So?"

"Y/N L/N." The balloons fell. "The first time I did this, I knew I wanted it. I just needed to stop and grow up first. Realize that I had an amazing woman in front of me, and had to act like the adult I am. We are still total dorks, but we're past high school. You should know that your wife is always gonna stand up for you and have your back because I want to be more than your wife. I want to be your best friend, your rock."

More teammates stepped out. "From hating each other in college." Crystal said.

"Then hating each other on the national team." Alex continued.

"Getting closer and closer." Ali said.

"Then Kelley being a complete dumbass and fucking everything up." 

"That's not what you were supposed to say." I said.

"I like improv." Pinoe smirked.

"Continue." Y/N said. 

"Y/N dating Press." 

"Press dumping Y/N because Kelley was a butthurt dumbass." Kling said.

"And finally Y/N and Kelley starting their romance. Getting engaged and me getting an outfit for the wedding." Mal said. Alex elbowed her in the side. "Ow."

"The romance though had a few bumps. The biggest was probably, Kelley was an immature child."

"Thanks, Ash."

"Anytime Kel." Y/N laughed. "That bump resulted in Y/N calling off the engagement and leaving. Kelley realized what she lost and finally decided to see the light."

I looked at Y/N. "There will be more bumps." I said. "Relationships aren't perfect, we aren't perfect but we will get past them together instead of you finding a different road, and me just hoping the bump will go away in time." I got down on one knee. "Y/N L/N. I promise that this time will be better than the first." I opened the box. "Will you marry me this fall?" 

She nodded. "Of course." I stood up and put the ring back on her finger. "It felt weird not having the ring on." 

"KISS HER YOU FOOL!" Kling yelled.

"Ok." I said. I kissed her.


Our time in Europe ended and we headed back home. "I'm going home before I go to KC." Y/N said. "I need to check in on my mom."

"I'll come with you." I said. "I'm your rock remember?"

"You have to go back to Sky Blue."

"We're gonna get married. Your family is now my family. WE have to check in on mama L/N." I said.

"Let us know if you need back up." Sonnett said. "I need to kick someone's ass."

"You need help." Kelley said.

"Y/N? Can I kick your girlfriend's ass?"

"It's my FIANCEE and no, you can't." She smiled.

"Damn you." Sonnett mumbled. 

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