Enchantment: Chapter 3 ~ Strangers like me...Sort of

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(Omg! The cover of this notebook literally just fell apart! The pages are even yellow! 😂)

     Oh no, no no, (Bayleigh's actually doing this!) this whole time I thought there was a secret city (who says it's not a city with a weird name?) when its just another Magical thing...sort of. (Why does Melanie have a grudge against the "Magical things?" If I were her, I'd love this place!) Coal looked carious, she didn't realize she took a long time. "Are you coming?" he asked. "Oh yeah sure!" she answered.

The way to the tribe was longer than she thought. Mud ererywhere, she actually missed the city now. (Oh really, just few minutes ago, you were disappointed that they "weren't" human) The camp was more at the end of the forrest then what Coal said in the middle. (When did he say that?) I can't believe I was too dumb to think this is a city. Who would name their son Coal, well the mineral not how people normally spell, Cole. (Please don't point out how stupid it is...)

"Either this is a big forrest or we are lost." Melanie said. Widow snickered. "we live here, we nateraly know where camp is." she told her. "Then why are we looking for Coal's brother?" she thought out loud. "Dad want him to be safe. (He stop taking grammar from Cookie Monster)" Coal answered. Why him exacly. (I don't know Melanie, maybe it has something to do with trying to find his MISSING SON!)

"We been running for hours." Melanie cried. Widow rolled her eyes. "Are you sure you don't know us?" Coal questioned. (Are you sure that question came out of nowhere?) "Positive." she answered. They reached a ravine, Coal and Widow ran across the log that went from one side to the other. Melanie stoped dead. "There is a hole below the log. Really? How is there a city in this world? Widow as literly wearing a dress made out of deer fur! And Cole (ha!) had (had! He had? Is Coal now naked?!?) a shirt and pants from bear fur. Is this tunnel even safe? (The sentences describing their clothes is tearing my heart, it's that cringe-worthy)

     "You took forever!" Widow complained. Which is worst; Tulip or Widow?  (I don't know; Bayleigh never addressed a conflict with them) "How long is camp from here?" Melanie sighed. "Three miles." Coal answered. Melanie even Widow complained.

     After many minutes they finally got to camp. "Coal, there you are! I was about to send a searching party to find another searching party. (To be honest, I like that line.) " a man said. He looked at Melanie. "Who is this?" he said. "Dad, this is -" Coal tried to explain. "Why is she familiar?" a lady said. (Okay, in case I didn't make this clear, this woman is just Widow's mom. She and her daughter aren't related to Coal and his family. If you're wondering what happened to Widow's dad and Coal's mom - you've most likely guessed it already. ThEy'Re DeAd!) She had light brown hair with her skin darker. She started walking towards Melanie. "Ma, she is just a human." Widow told her. She was walking faster. "Fawn, there is no need to-" the man tried to talk to her, but fawn pushed him out the way. (Yeah, why are they trying to stop her?) She and Melanie were face to face. "Are you Robert and Linda's (those are the most clearly made up on the spot names ever!) daughter?" she asked. "Are they humans?" Melanie asked her. Fawn nodded. "Then yes, yes I am!" She answered. She smiled, then hugged Melanie. "You must be the prophecied one too." Fawn added. "What?" Melanie asked. (Um, why is Melanie confused? Didn't she hear Tulip say she was the prophesied too?) Fawn stopped hugging. "Get Bear and Maple, we need to show this child what's happening!" (Get to the next chapter, we need to appreciate the fact that Bayleigh learned the proper "what's")

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