Chl🐾e's Bark: Chapter 4 ~ Here boy, Speak

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Oh my...guys...PRAISE THE LORD. BLESS ALLAH. KISS JESUS' FEET. BAYLEIGH HAS MADE A GOOD PUN. Okay not a "good pun" but at least a pun that makes sense! It's a miracle! To this day, we shall name this day "Bayleigh's Pun Day!" If I were to update this story, I'd change the chapter name to "girl" instead of "boy" to represent...Chloe.

     They both stared at each other. Flake looked as cofused as Chloe. "Mult! (Houston) We have a problem!" She barked, (to give me some credit, I do use words like "Bark" and "Meowed") The black she wolf (you know what, from know on if you see bold ";" "," "'" "-" or etc, that's just my editing) came out of a cave. This room was stone, six caves were carved into the walls. Even though she called Mult, Arrow, Brook, and Midnight came too. "Silver and Squirt are trying to sleep." Midnight told them. "It's almost morning anyway." Arrow barked. "Is Midnight their dad?" Chloe asked. (why not just ask MIdnight?) "Yes Chloe, --  wait Chloe!" Mult said. Snowflake turned to her. "We want this to be private, so can you go back to sleep?" she asked. Chloe walked over to a cave and went back to sleep. (Oh. You seem calm and cooperative...well, it's not like you just gained the ability to listen to animals)

     "CHloe, wake up!" Arrow barked. He pushed her with his paw. Chloe got up. For a second, she forgot all out what happened. (because the ability to listen to animals is so forgetable 😑) Arrow walked away. Chloe yawned and followed him. They went through a tunnel going up and out the dog door. The other wolves were sitting outside. (just realized, she must be absolutely covered in dog-hair)

     "Let's introduce our selves. I'm Snowflake, the leader. ; Mult is the smart one.; Midnight is the calm one.; Brook is the adventurous one.; Arrow is imature.; Autumn is the skilled one." (Group stereotypes! Jeez, Bayleigh can you make it even more obvious?)

     "Newbie! Day two. Mrs. Nine is a restuarant now." Ryan told her.

Mult gove Chloe a notebook and pen. "You'll need it." she told her and ran. (Chloe, aren't you gonna ask Ryan what's he doing on this planet?)

     She went to the first cage.

     "Bacon!" a dalmation said.

     The next cage:


     The next:






















(Copy+Paste saved my life while typing this chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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