Enchantment: Chapter 8 ~ Invasion

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(These incorrect numbers are gonna drive me crazy)

The queen flew in. She grabbed Melianies jacket. Why my favorite jacket, well goodbye forever. (Darn it.) She slipped out of it. The queen snatched her hand, Melanie bit it, (I would say "Really Melanie!" if it wasn't for one fact...my characters still bite people's hands when they're captured.) she fell fast while the queen shrieked in pain. She was high above the clouds. (And you'll see how IIIII'm defyyyyyying gravity) Uh oh, someone catch me, someone catch PLEASE! She looked down, Tulip was on Coal's shoulders, she screaming and kicking that it wasn't funny, it was hilarious.

Melanie forgot that she was falling. I'm going to- Fawn broke her fall. (Oh, that must not be so kind on her old bones) Soon the same mist that covered the chicken yesterday was around her hand! "The leader of the sorcerors magic, soon it will burn, and the fairy queen will pull my hair and Thorn will also to get me on his side." Melanie said. "Yes, probably, deffinatly, prabably." Fawn answered. "Bring it on!" (Ha ha! Is it just me or is Melanie hilarious when she just excepts it)

Soon her hand burnt (*gags* sorry, I can't handle the visual I'm giving myself) like it was touching fire. The queen pulled her hair, and Thorn pulled her leg. (Why do I find that pervy...🤐) As much as it hurt, she didn't care, untill someone pushed her. She turned around, Widow was staring at her, tapping her foot like she expected something to happen. "Ugh, run away! Crystal and Rowan aren't going to let you go so easily!" Widow exclaimed.

In the forrest, she had to find Coal and Oak, and try to knock sense into Tulip. A scream was heard near the place where she and Oak were during to games. (Yeah...how big is this forest again? We only really went to like four different places in this "big" forest) When she got there, Oak was dieing (alright! WORST misspelling in the entire book) of laughter. Tulip charged at Coal, he moved aside and she crashed into the big rock.

"Tulip, calm down!" she exclaimed. "You know her?" Coal said. Oak laughed "She is insane!". Tulip turned red. "You guys should be dead.". Coal raised a brow. "Why, so Rowan can think she earned victory?" (Ooh! Um...burn?) he asked. Tulip stared wide-eye at him. He is probaly right and she doesn't want to admit (wow! Thank you Mrs. Captain Melanie Obvious). "So what now." Oak asked. "If you want us dead than why can't you take us one at a time than all together?" Coal asked. "That would have been a better plan." Tulip sighed. "You would have got the idea soon." He told her. "Thanks." Tulip said. (Oh, I planned for Tulip and Coal to get together 😂)

     "It was impossible but I got all three of them to stop yelling at me, Mela-" ("Darn it, Widow! I wanted to kidnap Melanie!") Widow came through the bushes, she stopped once she saw Tulip. (I just thought this was the moment to talk about...dead parents. 😱 So anyway, Oak and Coal's mom and Widow's dad were murdered in war by fairies. Apparently Bayleigh was trying to make "scary fairies" a thing) "What is she doing!" Widow snapped. "Melanie know her." Coal said. "I don't care, lets kill her." (said every character in my story "Foreign") Widow replied rudely. Tulip hid behind Melanie. (Now its time for Tulip's backstory! So, Tulip is the Queen's sister. After the queen got the news of the prophecied, she abusively forced Tulip to remained locked away and fetch the prophesied. Tulip was abused for 18 years...well that's depressing.)

     "Coal and Oak, go back to camp! Fairy thing, (hey that's fairsist) do something. Melanie, don't go back!" Widow comanded. Coal and Oak ran through the trees. Tulip flew into the sky. Widow ran to the ravine.

     Some pinched her. (Jesus Christ, Melanie) Before she could turn around, everything went black.

(Okay, okay...there's a chapter nine but it's literally 1 paragraph!)

Chapter 9: Where Theres a Tulip, theres an answer

     Melanie woke up. She wasn't in the forrest anymore. (Toto, I don't think we're in the forest anymore) The room looked like a prison cell.

      The door started opening. Melanie took

(And that's the end...😑)

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