Enchantment: Chapter 7 ~ Welcome to the Games

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(Lol! I wrote 7 instead of 6! I'm an idiot!)

They were on the edge of the ravine. (Woah. Where did this ravine come from?) Coal was Widow's spectator. (Of course he is) Oak looked at Widow. "Good luck, I guess." he sounded unsure. She stared right through him. "May the best win.". It was still night, the moon was about to sink into the horizen. (Why are we doing this so late at night?) Thorn step up to the edge. (and then someone pushed him.) "As we know, this game is to help young tribe members. (just like the humger games) This will be Widow's and my son, Oak's last time. One...Two...three!". Everyone jumped down the ravine except Melanie and Oak. The same bad feeling came to her. Is this how Tulip felt when I ran away? (what a strange thought to think of now)

     Oak already had found a place in the forrest near a stream and a big rock where he put birch wood and blue berries. (I'm still very confused about what this game is about!!!) "Watch that, another player can steel it." Oak ran off. The last words Tulip said: She's going to get killed. A shiver ran down her spine. Something was telling she was going to get killed. If I am the prophecied, then I can't die untill its full filled. But what if Widow is right?

(You know what, I just thought of a good chapter idea! We spend most of the time with Melanie just sitting and thinking to herself. It might sound boring on paper (🙃) but with a good enough writer (not me) it could work!)

     Oak walked in. It made her jump, okay also screamed. Oak started building a boat. He was done in five minutes. "Is it sturdy?" she asked. (Probably not since it was built in five minutes) Oak shrugged. (That's reassuring) "Help me with the boat." They both picked it up and started going towards the ravine. Widow and Coal were already paddleling to the end. (Gasp. 😑) "Get in the boat!" She followed directions. He pushed the boat and jumped in. It was a very low ravine, anyone can have a conersation for three minutes.

     "Who is in lead?" (Woman! You already know who's in lead!)

     "Widow and my brother."

     "Whats it like with the humans?" ("Humans")

     "Way different." ("Different")


     There was a pause.

     "Whats for dinner?"

     "Anything really."

     "like a cheeseburger!" (*facepalm*)

     "Whats that?"

     "Something that taste delicious." (Actually, IRL, I prefer a salad at B-Dubbs)

     "Don't make me hungry.!"


     Splash. They reached the water. It soaked her black/blue hair. She turned and saw Widow, furious, while Coal was trying to calm her down. Oak tapped her shoulder. "We won." he cried. That was shorter than I thought. (Almost like Bayleigh was rushing to get to the juicy part) They got up to the highland and got wood trophies. Winning for her first time was great, but she never won anything for life so, winning for the first time in your life was amazing! (Bayleigh hates to be redundent, so she's not that redundant, so she hates to be redundant) They both started walking, then there was a scream. (My sanity) Melanie and Oak look at eachother and started running. "Coal whats happening?" Oak gasped. (Where did Coal come from?)  Widow pointed at the sky. It was covered with fairies! (Gasp. 😑) They didn't look happy. Tinkerbell is now ruined eternity. (🤣🤣🤣) "How did they find us?" "What do they want?". Melanie knew exactly those questions when she looked up. There was a red-head with a gold pixie dress wearing a crown, its not hard to think she isn't queen, (I think I literally based the fairies off of TinkerBell) right next to her was Tulip! (Gasp. 😑) She had an "I'm sorry" look on her face and was pointing at Melanie.

(The next chapter is the last of Enchantment! Next will be the "Puppies" in my book's title, so stay tuned till Monday 😘)

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