Chl🐾e's Bark: Prologue

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(There is absolutely no reason for this kind of story to have a prologue. A story like Enchantment could easily have a prologue - even though it doesn't - because there's a fantasy aspect to its plot that might need a prologue to ready the reader (pun unintended). Yeah, Chloe's Bark has a fantasy aspect but you'll see that it's quite easier to grasp without a prologue. Alright, enough babbling, let's begin the cringe!!!) 

     A dark forrest wasn't anyone's idea of fun. (Um. Don't look at me!) Sara was only there because her husband shot a bear. (Wait what! I'm not sure about the laws in South Dakota but isn't illegal to kill an animal unless it was self-defense?) To their surprise, there were six wolf pups cowardly behind a rock. (Okay, so it wasn't self-defense)  Fortunately, the bear attacked one but died before the wound got too bad.

     Her husband laughed. (lol, a baby animal was almost killed) "Robert will think we're insane.". Sara laughed too "Call the cops, say we tried to kill him . with wolf pups." (Or he couldcall the cops for killing a animal with no reason) she added. She cradled the wounded puppy. (Okay, this book was...very very very very very very very very very very very very heavily inspired by StaceyPlays' Dogcraft. It's also kind of ironic that now Stacey has a book)His fur wad white, he was the youngstest, he didn't even open his eyes yet! His sister was also white with very light grey ears. She was the oldest. Another female was black with amber eyes. The oldest male was slightly younger than the wite wolf. He was pale gray with black stripes and green eyes. On his back was a female (older than the wounded pup) She was brown with a white underbelly, sleeping. A blond male was a little ahead of the others, pale blue eyes, he seemed between the ages, like a middle child. (Um, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think these wolves can even exist. These genetics are basically impossible)

     "Do you want to name them?" Sara's husband asked. "THe white one, Snowflake, Flake for short. That blond one will be Brook. The black one, Mult. (That's just...dumb) The gray one is Midnight, for his twelve black stripes. (That's also genetically impossible...and dumb) On his back will be Autumn." she answered. (Wow, for being made up on the spot, Sara didn't hesitate once) Sara stared at the puppy she was holding. The bear left a scar from his cheekbone to middle forehead. She sighed. "His name will be Arrow"  she said Arrow, it sounded more like are row. (Oh, we're treating him like Scar from the Lion King "We'll cruelly name you after your disability" ...and that's just dumb) They walked back, (now, Sara and her husband will take the wolf pups to an animal shelter for proper health) They just adopted wolf pups. (Or they just illegally keep them, alright!)

(And if you're wondering, YES. I did draw a dog paw instead of an "o" ... that's just dumb)

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