Enchantment ~ Epilogue

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Will you continue this story?


How was the story going to end?

I hadn't really gotten that far into the story. From what I remember, Melanie was imprisoned in the sorcerers castle. She was going to escape to find that Rowan has cursed Tulip to not be able to leave the forest until she had Melanie. Then they went on an adventure and fell in love and stuff like that. Eventually they'd get to the palace, murder Rowan, live happily ever after.

How has writing this story helped you?

First things first, it was the first story I've ever took the time to write. As awful as it is, it will always have a place in my hallway of nostalgia. 

Also, I have metioned my recent story Foreign while writing. In Foreign, there are definite ideas I took from Enchantment and...well obviously did them better in Foreign. I hadn't realized I borrowed these ideas until I was re-reading Enchantment. Apparently, my brain recycled these ideas without permission. I'm not ashamed, I just find it interesting.

There are two ideas that are ever so obvious. 1: The main character of Foreign is an orphan. 2: One of the side character's backstory is based off of Tulip's; how they were both abused their whole life by the main villain of the story.

Give us a formal review of Enchantment

Enchantment  is a story that simply needs work, grammatically and story-wise. There's an interesting and imaginative story just ready to break out and shine its full potential. With trial and error, I could see a wonderful story.

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