Enchantment: Chapter 5 ~ Camp Fever

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(OMG!!! This chapter was accidentally deleted TWICE! #PrayForBugs 👏🐞)

Oak grunted. "I'm not a baby!" (he said as he whined like a baby) he cried. Really? "I don't care." Coal said.

When they got to the camp, Thorn imeadiatly ran to Oak. "Where have you been!" he cried.
"The ravine." he lied. Coal elbowed him.
"The old fox den." ,elbow.
"The edge of the forrest." ,elbow.
"Playing with the wolves." ,elbow.

     "He was at the battlefield." Melanie told Thorn. "Sorry, I just-" The chief left before he can finish. (oh, lets NOT talk to your son who ran away to a dangerous area)  "So where can I sleep?" Melanie asked. "In the wolves den." Oak joked. She started heading towards the cave. "I didn't mean, forget it, (well, she's the one who's gonna get dog hair all over her in the morning, so might as well stop) if the brown pup, Squirrel, wakes up pretend to be asleep, the gray one, Silver, has a broken leg so don't touch her, and the dark gray, Stone, he will bite you if you touch any of his ears, tails, and front left leg, the others will curl on against you, so you don't need a blanket. (Bayleigh, you mean quilt if you want to be more racist than you already are)"

     Melanie woke from the sound of a drum (I just got a pit in my stomach). "The sisters, dark ginger, sunset, and light yellow, sunrise, wake, they are not morning wolves." Oak yelled. She wasn't a morning person either. She tried to get up, it was hard when you slept on the ground and a wolf size nest. She yawned. "Have you ever went camping before?" Oak asked sarcasticly. Yes, but I bet with you guys, its different. (Okay. Okay. I just remembered! Coal and Oak's mom is named Rose...Rose and Thorn! It's stupidly cute! And I definitely didn't do that on purpose.) "Come on lets go.".

     Widow and Coal were already at the center of the camp with other people. (the other...7 of you guys) "Uh, no, no, no!" (what. what. what are you doing!) Coal said walking to Oak. "I already thought of a punishment for you." he said. "Really." Oak said doughtfuly. "As your older brother..." Coal went on. Widow rolled her "Don't forget that this was also my idea." she mumbled. Oak also rolled his eyes. "You are going to watch Fawn weave." Coal finished. Oak already went over to the loom. "That was easier than I thought.".

     Thorn walked out of his cave. (oh god, they sleep in caves! Why Bayleigh why!) "Okay, you all know your groups, Eagles, you go hunting, Robins, check the fairies border, don't forget they can fly." (Oh. Um, Eagles don't forget that nimals have legs - Really, Thorn, what were you thinking?) He ordered. "Melanie and Coal, I guess you can check the sorcerers border." He added. Melanie was confused. 2 people is a lot less than 27 (which was the Robins group). (Give this woman a Nobel Prize) What's so scary about fairies? (The poet is Melanie, yet she didn't do anything)The Robins and Eagles went out grabbing weapons on the way.

     They went out, she never been in a forrest this big. "Snake rocks or apprentice's stone?" (Wait...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Everything makes sense! Dumb, little Bayleigh apparently thought that Native Culture and Warrior Cats were the same! That's awful.) Coal asked. "Sorserer's border." she answered. "We are not allowed to go that far." (Then why are you on border patrol?)

     "Then why are we on border patrol?" (That's what I said)

     "So we have something to do."

     She ran towards the border (where does she even know where the border is?) , Coal chased her.

      Melanie heard a voice, but she couldn't translate it into words. Coal finally caught up with her. "What are..." "Shh, listen.". They followed the sound, when they got close to the border, they saw people!

aThey had sparkling clothes, they had a dead chicken (uuuuuuuuuurvihybdrQuoigsdz, but they wO9ECFSQEPLICJP...sorry, I don't knowwhy I find that so funny!) ere not holding the chicken! It was levetating with a mist surrounding it.

     "Okay, lets back away slowly..." Coal whispered. (Wow, Coal is gonna be a great leader one day) She couldn't hold in a yell. "Hey!" she screamed. They both look at her. "Sapphire, lets go." one said. Sapphire looked at the chicken then at Melanie. She dropped it and smirked. "Sure, I didn't relize we crossed." she said darkly and left. (Oh no she didn't!)

     When they got back to camp, Coal told his dad everything. "Why would the cross?"(*facepalms*) he asked. "Because you are-" "We are spending too much time dealing with the fairies." Widow interupted. (THANK YOU.)"Sapphire is probaly one of them. She and Ruby, the other one, think they can come on our land anytime." she continued. "Why didn't you tell us this earlier, Widow?" Thorn asked. "You know the rules, cross once, give them a warning, do it twice, shoo them off. Melanie is a human, she doesn't know the rules when its a third time." Widow answered. Just a human! What does that mean?  (Calm down Melanie! She's just explaining) "Maybe tomorrow, we can show her some rules." Widow added. "Whats the point of her being prophecied, when she doesn't know anything." (Okay that was a little rude)She went on. "How do we even know this is Linda and Robert's kid. (She's making some sense!) No offence, but my mom is old."."Widow, you" "You will wish you were never born, fox poop!" (oooooooooooooh!) Oak suddenly interupted her.

     "I'm just making a valid (Using your Electric Company vocabulary, Bayleigh) statement." Widow said. "No one talks to my friends like that!" he said. "Since when was she your friend?" Widow asked darkly. (What do you mean that attacking someone, then havig them sleep with animals, then force them to do labor doesn't give you best friends!) Oak said nothing and just crossed his arms. Widow clapped her hands once "I have an idea. If you guys are such good friends, Melanie can be your spectator for the games tomorrow." (Wait! Are we in the Hunger Games now?) She said. Oak acted like have read Melanies mind. "Tomorrow." Something gave her a bad feeling. (And may the odds be ever in your favor.)

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