Poem 1

30 1 0

*this is corny and kind of hate it, I thought I was in love????*

Isn't it amazing?
Oh that smile
Looks so happy
Seems simply picture perfect
With no other words
Everything seems fine

Those eyes sparkle
With happiness
A pure happiness
That laugh
Oh that laugh
It's so contagious.

I would've never guessed
That story you bear
Everything about you is so bright
And lovable.
But why?
Why would anyone want to hurt you?
It's such a shame.

I love you so much more
Because of it.
You have so much unknown
I'm curious to find

my story isn't as blue
But I've been through hell too
I've had those scary thoughts
Ones I'm afraid to tell
Some I will write
But other I don't want to be real
I wish they could disappear

We could walk down this lost path together
And for now I'm okay
One day I hope I'll be more then okay
At the end hopefully
We'll never know


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