Poem 28: Fear

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Everyone fears something
It's apart of the human mind
A defense mechanism
Weather we'd like to admit it or not
Fear is an obstacle

For me?
It a whole crash corse
It's an ex lover I can't stop loving
And It lies with me for every aching moment
And when I close my eyes,
It taunts me as I sleep
When I turn a corner,
There stands another monstrous 'maybe'
Another trembling 'what if?'
And yet today is another day
I have faced my fears
Looked the future in the eye
And asked sly "that's all you got?"

But inside,
I wonder of all the wrong that went on
And I run every encounter I've ever had
Through my mind multiple times
And dissect how truly horrible I am
For not smiling?
Or saying hi that one time?
If I'm being honest,
I fear what I'll do tomorrow
I fear what I did yesterday
I fear myself

And in the end it makes me hate myself


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