Poem 33: Exhausted Depression

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My emotional scaring is starting to show
I've got calluses for skin but still I barely stand with a smile
And it's seems like I don't care if that smile cracks
Because then they would only see the hollow
person I pretended to be years ago
And god it is fucking exhausting

My sore muscles don't have time to heal because I have to go to that mental battle again
And it's been the same fucking battle for years now
I've cried, I've yelled, I've thrown many things
But now the mixture of emotion are just starting to taste the same

My spark of joy has been blown out
And I don't care enough to go get the lighter
Instead I stare at the once happy soul
And just stare
Maybe say "oh, that was nice while it lasted"
Or "it was bound to happen sometime"

And it feels like I've dove so far into this depression
That I've started to make it home?
But I don't care enough to match the furniture
Or if the bed is soft, because god know I'm not sleeping in it
But instead my Insomnia will collect its toll and make sure to tell me everything I've done wrong in the process

And yet I won't end this haze that I'm hypnotized to
I just play along wide awake
I stand tall
And smile
And pray my calluses won't blister

But maybe that would feel better then the nothing I've consumed myself in.


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