Poem 31: Falling Out Of Love With You And In Love With Myself

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Today I woke with a smile,
For his voice was the first thing I heard
His words are genuine and soft,
Unlike others I've heard before.
Unknowing, he teaches me how to love, to trust.
I feel comfortable when I see those brown eyes
And his crooked teeth

He lifted me from the world fog,
Making it easier to feel light and smile.
With the lingering thought,
How, maybe one day, I'll be able to sleep
Comfortably I his arms

The cruel world crushed me and left me to die
But, somehow you understood my broken soul
And carried me through the pain.
He taught me how to look in the mirror,
And not dissect everything wrong.
But that I am me.
And I am beautiful,
Even with my broken wings.

And I am thankful for you
even though we didn't last,
I'm sorry, I fell out of love
But I need to find myself
And you helped me with that


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