Poem 3: Running My Life By The Side Lines

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One day my fears will not control me
And I'll scream my own story.
For how can someone call me a lair?
When they weren't even there.

They didn't feel my nightmares
Or see my hopes and dreams crushed first handedly.
They did hear an innocent child bawl
For her brother had just been throw against the wall.
Maybe they needed more.

Maybe they need me weakly crying,
Clinging to them, begging them for help
Maybe then they would've believed me.

If I didn't stand so tall
Or even smiled when I meet them
Or sat calming while I told my story
I didn't take any breaks or cries.
I just wasn't what they were looking for.

One day I'll stand up for myself
To a man who created this mess.
I don't need him to yell or cry or beg me to come back.
I just want him to listen.

He was never the best dad,
Anything could set him off.
He was a bomb ready to explode
And he was constantly ticking.

He tried.
Hell I'll give him that.
At least you tried
You didn't know what to do
It's okay
Neither do I.


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