Poem 29: My perception of life while being poor...

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Imagine everyone telling you,
"You need to have clouds for a good life"
And it always follow with a
"But you need to find a to get clouds on your own"
In this world,
To get the clouds, you need a latter,
And to build a latter you need a trees

But guess what?
You need clouds to get trees.
So because you didn't grow up with clouds at your feet, you have to build your way up.
And to get the most amount of clouds possible
You need a fucking spaceship

But guess what?
only people who have clouds
Can afford spaceships
So what do you do?
You work your ass off getting trees
And the people who were born with clouds will make fun of you for trying so hard
But fuck them

And it takes you years to get all the trees you need to catch clouds
And once you have clouds,
you realize how much you didn't need those clouds in first place
How you missed out on happiness,
because you made tangible things represent happiness

Now you just have clouds
Not a family or a lover
You're so unhappy
Because all you have is stupid clouds

And you're so caught up in this stupid fantasy
That the world is burnt to ashes with no trees and your stuck in a fucking spaceship
But hey,
life's not fair


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