Poem 17: Coward

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No bed time stories
or soft lullabies
It's okay
Please don't fight,
I'll just go to bed
Without being tucked in

I never got much sleep
There's always a womens' cries
echoing off the walls
Sometimes I would pretend
It's just the TV
It's not real.

As I got older,
I got wiser.
And everything got worse
I guess that's when I realized
That monsters were real
They just look and talk like dad.

He always said
I'll never hurt you
But I also thought
he wouldn't hurt a fly

But now it made sense
Like the pieces finally fit
He's been the monster all along.
But don't get me wrong,
I am partially to blame.

I was never a hero
Not even close
Because I looked away
When they needed me the most

I am a coward.
And a small part of them
Hates me for it.
Hell, I hate myself for it.


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