Poem 26: Not Him Anymore

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I want to love some else, just not him
I'm tried of caring who his next victim is.
He never gave me a piece of his mind
but, I force feed him my whole heart
Now I have borders on every inch of my body
where I do not let anyone pass
No one can touch me anymore and I blame him for that
So now everyone only sees my mask
And they think I'm a cold hearted bitch
Sometimes I let it slip
I scream when someone hugs me from behind
And I let a few tears slip too
Then people ask me "what's wrong?"
And I say "I'm just not feeling well, I'm tired"

In other times, I want someone to hold me
To break down my borders and touch me anyway
But his arms are the only place I feel safe
Felt safe, I'm sorry, I can't touch him anymore
Because the second I do
I will be dragged back down into the water
And drown in the toxic love I've come to feel for him
Still I can't stop myself from thinking,
Even though It's been years but still I wonder, if he thinks of me?
When he looks at his hands, the ones I would hold
Does he wonder if I'm happy? If I miss him?

Probably not, Because my unread messages show
He is too busy with someone else
To be thinking about someone as abnormal as me
I was stupid enough to think he felt the same way


Wild Nightmares Fueled By Anxiety AttacksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon