Poem 9: Grow Up

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My pillow still heavily soaked with recent tears
My back still hurt from all of your extra weight
Only to be taunted by with my few fears
I have to admit, my patience is reaching slim heights

So yes,
I do stand by and watch you tumble down this road,... again

As a child, I shouldn't wake to angry drunk slurs;
Or trembling when I see papers of my thoughts wide open,
Then suddenly everything's broad casted in rumors
Yet, Im the one who needs to grow up and get my life together.

As a young teen, I hoped I could help
I listened to you yell and stayed silent
And held you as you weeped
But when you were needed, you were gone in an instant.

But now I don't have it in me anymore
I can't be your mother
While I'm still healing my battle wounds

With an empty beer bottle in hand,
You cast your guilt with bait
Waiting for me to bite
And when i do, you skin me alive
And read my veins
Hoping to getting anything you can hold

But then I remember
There's no love in I love you
No respect in I trust you
No protection with your presence

So my chin rises higher
From my love
From my hope
For me, not you.

I might be your daughter,..

but I'm my own mother.


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