~Chapter 4~

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We end up going to Lucky Dragon a chinese resesterant. When we get there I unbuckle and am about to open the door but Four beats me to it. He opens up my door for me and hands out his hand for me to use, to step out. "Thank you kind sure" I say faliling the british acsent.

" Your welcome maldy now shall we be on our way?" Four asks as he grabs Monica out of her car seat.

"We shall" I say smiling from ear to ear, trying so hard not to laugh. " Okaay so you probaly know nothing about me and I don't know anything about you so why don't we play a game where you ask me a question and I will ask you one if it is to personal then you or I don't have to say it just say.. another question?" I ask as we take our seats. As I wait untill he answers I look at the waitress looking at Four like pray. " Hey babe why don't you come sit next to me Monica is going to get a high chair" I say and Four look confused but does it anyway. " Play along okay" I whisper in his ear. Once I say that I think he got the idea of it so he puts his arm around my sholders and I lean my head agianst his soulder and kiss his check.

" Okay I am your guyes waitress for the evening can I start you off with any drinks " She says smiling and twrling her hair, trying to flrit and I just chuckle a little and stare at her for a second and I finally answer.

" Ya I will have a big glass of stop flriting with my boyfriend and water please, and thank you " I say and she starts to blush and shakes her head yes and starts to wait for Four to answer.

" I will have Pepsi please and thank you " He says with a smile. A smile that would make ant girl melt... What am I saying?!? " You know you didn't have to do that " he says in my ear and it sends a shiver down my back. " But... I like it that you care and , to be honest I chould get used to it " Fours says and I smile knowing I could too.

" You know what there is one thing I awalys wanted to do" I say smiling and looking into his deep ocean blue eyes that can trap you forever. When i finally look to the side I see the waitress comeing back.

" And what is that?" he says with a smerk. I don't answer instead I fit his mouth on mine and to my surprise he kissed me back. My butterfileies have multiplied like a million times and I got to admit he is a good kisser... We finally break apart when someone clears their thorat. " Sorry didn't see you there thanks for the drinks and we are going to leave but we need a to go mild chinken and some fourtune cookies thank you" Four says and looks to me to Monica.

I get Monica out of her high chair and give her to Four. Anyone can tell that he likes Monica kinda like he's own. " Dada" Monica says and I smile from ear to ear and tears start to form.

" That was her frist word Four, you must mean a lot to her " I say and look up at him and he is just like me. You can tell this means a lot to him.

" Ya and she means a lot to me to, and so do you " he says and smiles at me. We get are take out and head toward my Jeep and he puts Monica in the back and hops into the driver seat and turns to me. " Tris I know we were sopossed to play get to know eachother game but I feel this magnet torward you and I felt it even more when we kissed and after... I guess what I am trying to say is will you go out with me?" he says rubbing the back of his neck and looks up at me at the end.

" Four..."

Love you guys off with a cliff hanger... don't kill me

Q: favorie number?
A: 46

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