~Chapter 7~

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We arrive at Eaton Tech and Four gets out and opens my door for me and then get Monica out of the jeep. I watch him as he gets her and comes torward me. Dang he is HOT, feel bad for all the girls that don't have him. " Okay I just have to say this, you are very HOT. I don't know why you choose me instead of anyone else because everyother girl in this world is a lot pretier than me" I say as we enter his office that is house like.

He sets Monica down in her play pen and comes torwards me. Four takes his hand in mine and kisses my hands slowly and looking up at me adn sighs.

" You are the most beautiful girl I have EVER layed eyes on and that will never change because one day I will marry you, we will have childern of our own and treat Monica like she is our own, even though she blood wise isn't, I will love you till death we part. I love you Tris" He says this and my heart melts. My knees buckle underneath me and he catches me and my breath away.

" I love you too" I say this and Monica smiles and claps her hands and says "Lowe" I laugh, smile and nod. Her atempt on saying love was amzing and the BEST thing for this moment and I feel like I have a family already. The one I never had. A Loveing kind.

Short chapter but.... Ya anyway I have been busy with things in my life and I wanted to publish/update today and also to let you guys know that I have a new book up and It is called: The Lost Princess and you guys should check it out!
Q: Do you wish divergent was real? and what faction would you choose?
A: million times YESSS and Dauntless

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