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You were sleeping peacefully under the warm covers of your boyfriend AJ's bed(picture above).When suddenly He darted into the room all excited and jumped on you waking you up from your once peaceful slumber
"AJ you delinquent get off me!!" You whined trying to push him up off of you "But I like this position"he said looking up at you with that cute and innocent smile he always wore.his hair was messy and all over the place may I add that he was shirtless and lying on your stomach looking up at you innocently.You both were still staring at each other when he broke the silence with those 3 words that always made you heart flutter "I love you" he sighed smiling happily moving up so that he was lying next to you
You turned and faced him as he pulled you closer to him, you smiling like crazy as you felt your cheeks heat up and go pink you quickly hid your face in his chest giggling.
"Baabbee don't hide" he half whined and half laughed "I wanna admire that beautiful face of yours and kiss those perfect lips of yours" he chuckled once more you didn't move your head still buried in his chest and you still slightly giggling."And plus your adorable when you blush baby girl" you then tilted your head upwards so that you could see him looking at you with pure love in his eyes "I love you too AJ" you said smiling brightly as you both inched your lips closer to each others lips.Now you being so mischevious you quickly made a plan and just as  your lips brushed up against his you got up and darted to the bathroom him chasing you down the hallway  and you locking the door once you were safe in the bathroom and now that you were in the bathroom you decided to brush your teeth and fix your hair before going out to find AJ and give him that morning kiss you knew he deserved. Once you wee done you unlocked the door to see no one there and so you stepped out of the bathroom and made your way downstairs towards the kitchen where everyone else was getting there breakfast as you casually slid into the group grabbing your breakfast too.But just as you placed the cereal box down you felt a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around you "I found you" a familiar voice said you smiled as he rested his Chin on your shoulder pecking you in the cheek only a few moments later you closed your eyes as you heard those 3 words roll of his tongue with pure love behind them you smiled at the sound of those words as you remembered the first time he said them to you and every time always felt like the first to you.
"I love you too AJ Mitchell" you said whipping around and connecting your lips with his as your lips moved in sync perfectly all your doubt's and worries drifted away.You both pulled.apart as you heard a series of awes and cutes...This boy makes me happy you thought as you stood there in his arms both smiling widely your guys eyes full of love and admiration..

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