Anthony pt1

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(Teen wolf inspired)

You sat in the cafeteria with your friends down at your table eating your lunch when you felt a pair of eyes on you,you peered over to find Anthony Trujillo staring right at you,yes at you not at the girls behind you,he wasn't staring through you but at you.You felt your face start to heat up as the blush started to creep up onto your cheeks causing you to turn away and continue to eat your lunch.The bell went and you and your friends headed off to class,dropping your lunch trays off on the way."I have math next ladies" you groaned tipping the leftover contents into the bin before sliding your tray across to the lunch lady Lilly who has begun doing dishes as you smiled innocently at her.You headed off to class with your best friend y/f/n to math. You walked and sat at your usual seats in the middle of the class waiting for everyone to arrive.Once class started you grabbed you notebook and began taking notes on today's lesson which was on the Black Death or the bubonic plague."That's disgusting" complained y/f/n causing you to giggle,the class was 10 minutes into session when the door opened to reveal the one and only Anthony Trujillo.His hair was wet along with his white muscle tee which stuck to his well defined Abbi's which everyone could see.There was a few gasps and a few girls fainted causing Anthony to chuckle as he made his way to his seat ignoring Mr Wazowski's constant rambling and lectures.He took his rightful seat next to you.You couldn't help but stare and turn your head towards his direction,he looked up catching his eyes he eye as you quickly looked away causing him to chuckle and your face  to heat up."Done staring yet?" Anthony whispered into your ear causing you to shiver.You just continued to raw notes and listen to the teacher as that's what you were supposed to be doing,ignoring Anthony as class continued to go on.The bell finally rang for 5th period after what felt like a lifetime.The rest of the remainder of the day seemed to go quite quickly and before you knew it you were on your way out of the front doors of school to go home.You sighed with relief as you reached the bottom of the stairs.You were about to go and find your car when you were pulled to the side of the crowd by a male you were about to scream when you saw who it was,his blue eyes staring deeply into your,his face blank "what do you want Jake?" You groaned,jake was your ex and the reason you had fell in love with him was because of his biggest secret; he and his friends were werewolves and the way Jake would risk his secret for you is what cause you to fall in love with him but like most "high-school fairytales" it didn't end well he ended up cheating on you with one of your ex-best friends who had recently left.But he always bothered you still because you knew but you knew that this wasn't cause of that. "Wellll we're having a a party on tomorrow and everyone's invited sooo I wanna see you there so does Anthony"he winked before nletting you go and you just rolled your eyes nodding not really listening.You just walked off towards your car before hoping in and driving off with your friends.On the drive back everyone was grilling you with questions "Are you two dating?"asked your dear friend Amelia you shook your head and continued to drive as eventually after about 50000000 more questions you had successfully dropped them all off and was now heading home because all you wanted to do was sleep,eat and watch Netflix.

$Time skip$

You began watching river dale and eating food when you heard a noise outside you moved your curtain the slightest so that you could see outside.It was dark and the only light you could see for that moment was the light of your neighbours window.You were about to close your curtain when you saw a light in the distance at the back of your property and it looked like a torch light.You being the curious human you were you decided to go for a walk and take a look.You slipped on a  pairn of shoes and a jacket and made your way towardsn the back of your house where you made your way to the back of the property and into the forest. You climbed over a few fallen trees and over a few hills when the light came closer you were about to yell out when you heard a low froze  turning around slightly to see a wolf you screamed as it lunged at you biting your side.You screamed as you felt the wolf get reared off you and you looked to see a human shape tackling the wolf as you cried out in pain the human shape turned around to reveal they had glowing yellow eyes and Sharp fangs but you couldn't see the features well in the darkness but the wolf like figure spoke before you passed out "You shouldn't be out here princess" and with those words you blacked out.


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