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The sound of a roaring engine is what awoke you from your deep slumber.You opened your eyes to find yourself entangled in the silk baby blue sheets of both you and your 5 1/2 year boyfriend Californian king bed.You untangled yourself from the sheets and they on some clothes so that you could proceed downstairs to find out what all the racket was about.At the bottom of the stairs you found two heavily sleeping boys Chance and Anthony snoring away,dreaming of God knows what.You procced throughout the house to hear a bunch of shouts and bags being thrown around into what sounded like a bus.You walked through the front door to see The Martinez twins,both Jake and Logan Paul, the dobre twins,Your two bestfriends Alissa and Tessa,A tired looking Aj,A Waaayy to hype Meals and a grumpy looking Nick all loading bags into the bus.'So that's were me and Kades bags disappeared too this morning'you thought Making your way over to help but before you could even pick up a bag and take it into the bus you were scooped up by a strong pair of arms and taken into the bus and placed by the drivers seat.You whipped around to see The face of your boyfriend Kade smiling down on you "Kaaaddee"you whined smacking him on the chest "You scarred meee"you have him a grumpy look "Well good morning to you too Princess"he smirked making you laugh  while pulling you into a hug."Sleep well?"He questioned pulling away intertwining his hands in yours.You nodded kissing him on the cheek while standing on your tippytoes.He laughed at your attempt.Turning to face you and connecting his lips to yours,both yours and his lips moving perfectly in sync.With his hands wrapped around your waist and your arms around his neck and fingers entangled in his hair you felt safe and invulnerable.You both smiled into the kiss.Pulling away for air still smiling you both looked at each other with pure love."Heyy love birds"you heard come from a grumpy looking Nick "Wanna get your asses over here and help us load the your bus or you two just gonna stand their and make out??"He smirked "He right over Nickky"You sassed smirking poking the tongue at him giggling a bit.Kade chuckled then kissing you on the forehead and running off to help while you and the girls ran upstairs to get ready for the first few hours of the ride to first city for the "Team 10 Official Tour" (sponsored by Digi tour)
And today was the first day of the many days the whole house wluld spend together in a huge tour bus we had rented for the next 4 months while we toured America before heading off on our international tour.
You and the girls had taken showers and packed the last of our things which we mostly our electronics and technology aswell as a few extra phone cases and things before taking it downstairs to take on the tour bus before  leaving in a few hours.You had changed into some shorts and a singlet with a flannel wrapped around your waist on and don't forget those Superstars Kade brought you for your birthday last year.You headed downstairs with your Blog camera recording and lugging your "carryon" bag down the stairs Alissa and Tessa trailing behind you.As you were waking towards the bus you started talking to the camera again "So ok here's the  tour bus guys!!"you squealed then pointing the camera towards the bus as you made your way into the bus deciding to pick your bunk now before the boys came running on but to your surprise they had already picked out their bunks.Their bags were stacked on top of their beds some open and some closed.You noticed 3 empty beds at the very back of the bus nearest to the bathroom.You made a run for it Alissa and Tessa running to.Taking the top bunk you called it "DIBBS"you yelled climbing on top of the bed and placing your stuff down.You pulled away a tiny curtain that sat in the wall by your bunk to reveal a master plug "JACKPOT"you yelled once more plugging in your speaker to charge and placing your backpack down on the bed before cmgrabbing your blogging camera and recording your findings facing the camera you spoke "So guys I found this little thing here and there's a plug behing it!"you whisper yelled before climbing down and running to the seating area also known as the kitchen to plug in your Laptop so it could charge and load the Netflix using the Buses WiFi. You found Kade in the little apntry rummaging for food when you decided to scare him yelling boo and shaking him.You did it and he screamed pulling his head out of the cupboard from before and jumping back.You started laughing  so hard you had tears running down your face holding your stomach. after awhile everyone started to load into the bus saying goodbye to the house and the still green lagoon.Hopefully Jake had called someone to come over and clean it.....Hopefully remember???Hopefully...Anyways after the whole scaring Kade for you decided to take a nap."Yeah me too!"chimed in An yawning as he made his way to his bunk."Me too gonna hit the hay guys!"Alissa yawned to Tessa following along with The Martinez twins and Logan with Meals trailing behind."Want me to come too babygirl?"Made asked with a gleam of hope that you would say yes in his eyes."If you want Speiser"You shrugged he nodded making his way over to you and climbing up into the bunk with you.Facing the wall checking the last of your social media is all that you tempered before hearing Kade say one little sentence "I Love you Y/n"he signed before snuggling his face into the crook of your neck and you both falling fast asleep real soon,sooner than everyone else apparently.You knew this would be a trip to never forget👅💞

Team 10 Imagines :)COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن