The box

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Hodgins and Zach opened the box only to see papers. Upon further inspection, those papers were profiles. Zach grabbed the topmost one. 
"Who is 'DY'?" Zach asked. 

"Not sure, but I would guess that it probably stands for 'daddy'. It could mean multiple things however. But 'daddy' seems the most probable thing for it to be." Hodgins said, snatching the file from Zach's hands.

Pilfering through the other files was no easy chore. Considering many had code names, or abbreviations, and, hyphens that made no sense to the young doctor, and his compatriot.

Although, whilst going through the box the only thing that they saw a severe lack of was pictures of Sweets from before his time with his adoptive parents. Which was incredibly interesting, and perhaps, gave credit to Dr. Wyatt's assumptions about Sweets' early childhood life.

They finally did find a journal, which was old, and bound with leather and string, and dusty. 

"Finally," Hodgins said in a breath of relief, carefully listening to make sure that Sweets was still sleeping. It would not do to have him wake up right as they were reading his personal journal. Hodgins may not know much about the kid, but he would flip out if knew anyone had been pilfering through his past.

I have been in the closet for a day now, I think? I cannot keep track. He is going to come back soon, I just know it. What happens when he does? What will I do? He scares me so much! I wish that he did not but he does. I am not stupid, and I know that, I know that my first reaction when I do something wrong is that "I am stupid" and I know that it is just because it has been ingrained into my mind, until it has become an automatic recall, but it does not change the facts. 

The biggest question I have is, what will happen to me? Father is getting more and more angry. All of the time, he is become angry. What...What happens if one day he goes too far? I am no idiot, I know he is not an alcoholic, like he claims. That is just what he says, so that he can get sympathy from the neighbours. Sometimes I wish that I had enough strength to leave, but where shall I go? I have nowhere to go. Sure, I could run to the streets, but than where would I be? I am not exactly the strongest person in the batch. I know that, and I know the risks. I just...I don't know if I can continue dealing with him!


Hodings stared at the entry, mouth open and gaping. He could not believe this. He turned to Zach, who now had the notebook, and was flipping it to some of the later entries. 

I dreamt of 'Him' again. My Bio father. I know, I know, it is pathetic. Honestly, I don't even know why I am writing in this journal, I haven't in such a long time. I guess I just saw it, and the desire overcame the pathetic act. Either way, here I am, once more, writing in this journal of blood and pain. 

I love my new family. They are so nice, though, sometimes, I wonder if they notice how much. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love them with my whole heart, and they have done me a huge service in getting me out of the System. I know what the statistics are for those who go through the System. I understand the appeal, at times, anyways, I am rambling again. Apologies. 

Anyways, I love them, and they are really nice. I just...Sometimes I find myself waiting. Waiting for the kicks, the punches, the degrading words. It has been three years since HIM! I am now in college, you would think that I would have nothing to worry about. But you would also be wrong. Whereas I was a freak for being too smart in High School, now I am a freak for being to young in college. I don't think any one understands. I am trying to make a difference. I deserve to be in college, it isn't as if I cheated my way into it! If I am not respected for my youth in college, how is this going to affect me once I get into my career field? I know that Psychologists are mostly in their thirties and forties. I will be twenty one when I graduate with my PhD. Meaning I will be a certified Psychologist at Twenty years old. At the very least ten years younger than most others. How am I even to find a job? Undoubtly my youth will be weaponized against me. "Oh, you shouldn't have to deal with this" "Oh, you are too young to deal with the horrors of the world" Ha! Yea, right people. Sometimes I wish people were not so judgmental.

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