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Camiel and Booth were in the apartment that night.

"So, what did your boss say?" camiel asked Booth that night, as they watched Sweets sleeping on the couch. 

"I put in a few weeks vacation for him. He's going to need it. Do you know what the FBI director told me when I said that Sweets was going to need his vacation time as soon as possible?" 

"What?" Camile asked, genuinely curious. 

"'About time someone got the kid to take a vacation' Then asked me how long he needed and that it would be covered." Booth whisper-yelled, gesturing wildly. 

"What is the big deal about that?" Camile asked.

"He didn't give a limit. He just assumed that it would be covered. And when I looked at how many hours the kid had managed to wrack up, I finally figured out why. He has a total of over 300 paid vacation time hours, just over this last year. That is PAID vacation time. That is not even counting non-paid vacation time. I asked Boss when the last time he took leave was, you know what he said?" Booth continued without waiting for an answer. "Never. The kid has worked at least 5 days a week, at a full 10 hour day at the very least, not counting his over time that he undoubtly clocks in, or does not clock in, for a whole three hundred and sixty five days, and never once requested time off. Plus, I have a sneaky suspicion the kid is in his office saturdays. Apparently he has been seen several times in there, sorting through case files." 

"Well..." Camile paused, not entirely certain how to respond to that. Seeing her hesitation as his cue to continue his rant, Booth did just that.

"And, apparently he doesn't even just consult for us, did you know that?"

"Well, Seely, he is not officially even a partner for the Jeffersonian. He does not even  get paid consulting fees from the institution. I looked into it a few hours ago."

"Why does he do it then?" Booth wondered.

"Why? Because according to Dr. Wyatt, he counts us as his friends. Also, I have seen you waltz into his office, throw a case file down on his desk, tell him you need a profile, and then walk right out without another word, which, now that I think about it, is quite rude. We really should stop doing that. Anyways, from what I have seen of Dr. Sweets, he is very caring and...well, a bit..." camile paused, unsure of how to continue her train of thought without offending the FBI Agent. 

"A bit what?" Booth asked, looking at her intently. 

"Well, you see..." 

"Are you going to tell me, or just stutter through waiting to come up with an excuse not to answer or a lie to come up with?" Booth asked irritably. 

"I think that he is...a tad...anxious around you. Possibly intimidated, and a bit scared of you."

"What?" Booth's eyes widened comically. Camile would have laughed if not for the subject matter. "You think I...frighten him?"

"Well, he does that deflecting thing a lot with you, and he doesn't normally look you in the eye when it comes to you asking him personal questions. He tends to be a lot more quiet around you too." Camile added as an afterthought.

"What?" Booth whispered.

"To be honest, I think he does consider you his friend, but I also believe that he has some major issues with his bio dad that have not been fully addressed yet, and probably never will now. He probably cannot help but draw comparisons." In fact, Camile remembered the first time she had seen Seeley and Sweets interact, and it was not a very pretty picture.


"Hay, are you lost?" Cam asked a rather young looking boy.

"Uh, no, I was looking for Agent Booth, perhaps you have seen him? If not it is fine, I am sure I can find him, and I understand that this is a rather large building." The boy had a sweet calming voice.

"Actually, I do happen to know where he is, here, I will show you to him." The young man seemed to relax.

"Thank you." he said sincerely.

"Here we..."

"SWEETS!" A masculine voice shouted from inside the room. the young man-Sweets-Cam's brain provided, tensed and closed his eyes briefly, mentally counting. Cam recognized it as a calming strategy. 

"Agent Booth, I have" Sweets handed Booth the folder. Booth flipped it open and read it curiously. Cam itched to get her fingers on it, especially when Booth's face lit up like a christmas tree. 

"Great, thanks Kid. Meet me in the Interrogation rooms in an hour." 

"Agent Booth, I should tell you that I am not actually at your beck and call, I do have other clients and..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, see you later kid." Booth clapped the boy on the shoulder, and Cam could have sworn she saw Sweets flinch, but he just smiled through it, sighed, and closed his eyes, before turning to her.

"Thank you, ever so much, for you help, Madam." He said in a very polite even voice, before turning on his heel and marching off towards the exit.


Cam sighed. "Look, Seely, it isn't your fault, you are a very touchy-feely person, but I do not believe Sweets is as much of a touchy person as you are."

"Oh, I will have to keep that in mind then." Booth sighed.

"What did Gorden Gorden say when you spoke to him?" Cam asked. She wanted to be prepared for anything that may happen.

"Ya," Booth said, slightly distracted, he forced himself to the topic at hand. "He said that he is not  to be left alone for any reason whatsoever. Not even for a few seconds. If he needs the restroom, make sure the doors cracked, always keep an ear out for anything, and keep knives out of his reach, and anything sharp."

"Wait, why?" Cam asked slightly confused. Please don't let the kid be...

"Apparently he has a history of suicide attempts." Cam cursed rather unattractively under her breath.

"Damn, alright. Anything else?"

"Wha...Oh, yes. He is probably going to be a little out of it for a while. Make sure he actually eats food, keep him warm, make sure he drinks water. Don't let him get out of it. He has history of punishing himself by a lack of food, tried starving himself a few times. He also said that Sweets may have nightmares, and a few panic attacks during the night. Told us what to do, especially if he starts harming himself or someone else." Booth sighed, this was going to be an extremely long night.

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