Chapter 19

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Grayson's POV

I talked with the guys about Jack and Lilly, and told them that I think we should leave

Since they're argument Jack tried to talk to her, but she doesn't want to listen, and he keeps trying to ask me to talk to her. But I kept reminding I wasn't the one to piss her off

Johnson told Jack and Madison that we're leaving, and I told Lilly, I already got Bailey ready, Lilly took a while to get ready since she didn't feel good this morning or last night, she threw up her dinner

I strapped Bailey into his car seat, making sure it wasn't loose, I turned to Madison who was sitting in the front seat on her phone

"Can you watch him, while I put my bags in the car?" I asked her

"Yeah, sure" she says looking up from her phone

"If he cries just give him his pacifier" I say

"Okay" she says

I walked upstairs into our room, I put Bailey's diaper bag over my shoulder and grabbed Lilly's bag and mine

"You okay?" I asked Lilly as she laid on her back on the bed

"Yeah, I'm fine" she groaned

"I'll be right back, and I'll help you downstairs" I say

"Okay" she says

I walked downstairs and put our luggage in the trunk, and Bailey's diaper bag right next to him on the floor

As I was walking back in, I see Sammy and Jack walking out with their luggage

I jogged upstairs and I carried Bailey's bag in my hand and Lilly was in my back

I carefully carried her down the stairs, I walked her to the car and carefully let her off my back and she climbed into the van sitting next to Bailey

I put the bag in the trunk, Sammy and Johnson put in their bags in the trunk as well

"How is she?" Johnson asked

"Her stomach still hurts" I say

"Alright guys, let's go home" Jack says locking the door behind him

Sammy close the trunk, Johnson and Sammy sat in back of Jack and Madison, while I sat in the back with Lilly and Bailey

Johnson closes the door and Jack started driving


Its a 5 hour drive and we've been driving for 2 hours, and every time Jack hits a pot hole Lilly groans weakly

Lilly sat on her side, one hand around her stomach and the other was holding Bailey's while quietly slept

Jack hit another pot hole, making Lilly groan again

"Can you please stop moaning and groaning back there?" Madison asked

"Don't talk to me unless you wanna feel the pain I'm feeling right now but worse" Lilly weakly says adjusting herself

Jack hits another pot hole, making Lilly wince in pain as she sat up

"You alright?" I asked sitting up

"Jack, stop the car" she says

"Why?" He asked still driving

"Just stop driving" she says again

"I'm trying to get back home quickly" he says

Lilly grunts as she held onto her stomach

"Jack!, stop the goddamn car!" I say

"Alright!" He sighs pulling over

Lilly opens the door and jumps out the car onto the grass and started puking

I got out as well, rubbing her back

"C-Can you get me a water bottle?" She asked

"Yeah" I say grabbing one from the car and giving it to her

She drinks some and gargle it and spit it out, she then drink some more

"Help me back into the car" Lilly says

I helped her up and into the car, I sat back I my seat, as Johnson closed the door

"Is she alright?" Jack says

"Yeah" I nodded as he starts driving again

Lilly laid on Bailey's car seat as she held onto his foot and I held onto her other hand, I sat there peacefully watching my son and girlfriend sleep

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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