Chapter 35

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Lilly's POV

Today is Grayson and I are going to a hospital for a checkup just to make sure that everything is alright we was suppose to bring Bailey with us but he was being fussy so we decided to let him stay home

But I was not about to let that girl back into my apartment, so right now we're waiting for plan B

There was a knock on the door making me look towards Grayson

"Their Here!" I say walking to the door, and I open the door to see Johnson, Sammy and Dillon standing in front of me

"You need some babysitters?" Johnson asked

"Thank you guys for coming so last minute" I say inviting them in as I gave them a hug

"No Problem!" Dillon says walking last

I closed the door behind him, and followed them into the living room

"So he just ate and I just changed his diaper, so he'll good for a couple hours, but if he cries you can try and give him his cereal that's on the counter, he's acting real cranky so don't try to tickle him he'll probably just wanna sit and watch TV right now so... " I say

"Alright" Johnson nods

"So where are you guys going?" Sammy asked

"Oh um uh we have some errands to run" I say

"If anything goes wrong just call one of us" I say

I kiss Bailey goodbye and so did Grayson, then he grabbed my hand and we walked out the apartment

"I don't like lying to them" Grayson sighed

"I don't either" I say

"So why can't we tell?, Emily had the triplets, Alex and Jessica got married" he says

"I know, I just don't think I want to right now, I wanna just enjoy the moment when none of our friends knows" I say continue walking


Right now we're at the hospital sitting in the waiting room filling out a form, I feel a bit uncomfortable because people scaring at us

But Grayson told me to ignore them, and focus on our twins because that's why we're here

Grayson got up to turn in the paperwork at the front desk while he was gone

A older lady sat next to me, she gave me a smile and gave her one back

"I like your yellow dress" she says

"Thank you!" I say

"So um is this your first baby?" I asked

"No I have three of my own, but this one is my best friend's in high school, she not able to hold a baby" she says rubbing her baby belly

"Oh that's uh very nice for you to hold your best friend's baby" I say

"That's what true friends are for" she nods taking a deep breath

"So what about you?, are you here with your mom?" She asked

"Oh no um I'm pregnant" I say

"Oh I'm sorry, your just really young" she says

"It's alright" I say

"How old are you?" She asked

"I'm 16 I'll be 17 in November" I say

"Is this your first baby?" She asked

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