Chapter 56

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Lilly's POV

I jolted up looking around to see I'm in a unfamiliar place

"Hey, your safe your no longer in that place" Alex says calming me down

"I thought I dreamt all of this, you and the girls saving us" I say

"It's all real" she whispered

"Who are the flowers from?" I asked

Alex turned her head towards the door, and Grayson walks in, he steps in closer

I lowered my head and started to sob

"Lilly, your home now" he says rubbing my back

"You shouldn't really be forgiving me" i say looking up at him

"This is not your fault" he says

"We were suspose a team, you felt something was off about Charlie and I didn't believe you, how can you forgive me for that?" I asked

"You knew him before all of this, he used that against you, so he could get what he wanted, you didn't know that, this not your fault Lilly" he says

I pulled him into a huge hug, my tears rolled down my cheek and onto his jacket, I pulled away and looked him in the eyes

"I missed so much" I say

"The feeling is mutual" he says as we bonded our forehead together


I lifted my head up to see everyone, Ethan, Emily, Jessica, Jack, Johnson and Sammy

"Hi" I smiled like a crazy person, looking everyone

"It's great to see you again" Sammy says giving me a hug, and the Johnson

"You too" I say followed by Jack

"So um when was you going to tell us about you being pregnant?" Jack asked

"Yeah?" Alex asked

"I didn't to tell you guys, I thought it'd be a great idea if no knew about the twins with everything going on" I say

"Wait....Twins?" Sammy asked

"Oh Yeah I'm having twins" I smiled

"I call it their girls, Gabrielle is going to have someone to play with" Ethan says

"Definitely" Jack says

"Let's not make repeat with Bailey, you guys almost fist-fought with the conversation if he's a boy or a girl" I say

"Alright but I know your their going boys" Sammy says

"Dude, their girls" Johnson says

"Guys!" I say

"sorry" they say in unison

"Alright I can't anymore!" Alex says

"Jessica" she says

"What?" Jessica says

"Tell Them!" Alex says

"Tell Us What?" I asked looking at Jessica

"I'm pregnant" she say

"Oh My God!" Grayson says

"Wait, how?" Emily asked

"We used a sperm donor" Jessica says

"Now I know what this looks like and it's not me" Sammy says

Jack punched Sammy in the arm

"What?  It was a joke!" Sammy says

"You need work on your jokes" Jessica says

"How many are you?" I asked

"2 months and 11 weeks" she says

"Well, Congratulations" Sammy says

"Thank You" Jessica says

"Oh Yeah!, How's Jamie?" I asked

"She's still in surgery" Alex says

"Jamie's here?" Grayson asked

"Yeah, but I'll explain everything later" I say

"Do you know how long I have to stay here?" I asked

"Just a week" Alex says


After time went on everyone left, Bailey was cleared so he's going to be staying with Jessica and Alex since the hospital allowed Grayson to stay and now were just talking

"So Alex won't tell who took you and Bailey" he says

"It was um Tyler, Charlie and Maria was helping" I say

"Why, would he take you guys?" He asked

"He said that he only reason he took bailey is because his wife couldn't conceive" I say

"And took me because I was trying to get the word out about Bailey, but he also wanted me dead" I say

"Why?, you didn't do anything to him?" He asked

"Do you remember that Halloween party you took me to?" I asked

"Yeah" he says

"And the guy tried to do something really bad to me?" I asked

"Yeah, was is this about?" He asked

"The guy from the party is Tyler's younger brother, when I kicked him and he fell on the unconscious he actually cracked his skull and open dead" I say

"But didn't beat you or anything?" He asked

"No, he was starving me, but Charlie told him I was pregnant so started giving me food" I say

"Did he touch you?" He asked

"When tried to escape with Bailey, he got mad so tried to...but that's when Madison and Alex showed and saved us" I say

"Did he say anything about me?" He asked

"when he was mad about me trying to escape he talked about killing me and the twins" I say

Grayson lowered his head

"I'm here now, Tyler is gone he's going to be in prison for a very long time" I say

"I love you" he says

"I love you too" I say

He hugged and kissed me, before pulled away he kissed my forehead

"Get some sleep" he says

"Alright" I say

He sat on the couch by my bed, I laid down and closed my eyes


I had to make a new Snapchat so please follow me at lordedavinci2

And check out my new story, Perfectly Imperfect

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam

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