Chapter 43

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Lilly's POV

I'm making Charlie coffee when I look over to the side to see Bailey's favorite blue teddy bear my dad gave him

"Quick note um I love waking up next to you" I hear Charlie's voice

I turn around and hand him his coffee

"Morning to you too" I say

He takes the mug out of my hand and takes a sip, I put my focus back on Bailey's teddy bear

"Is that Bailey's?" He asked

"Uh yeah my um dad gave it to him when he was born, he sleep or watch TV without it" I say

"How is your dad, I haven't seen him around?" He asked

"My dad lives New Jersey, he wasn't on broad with Grayson and I, he flipped when I told him I was pregnant, I haven't really talked him" I say

"Oh I didn't know" he says

"It's alright" I say

"Can I ask you another question?" He asked

"Sure" I say

"Did you go to sleep at all last night I mean?" He asked

"I slept a little but I take nightmares anymore but I have a plan" I say

"A plan for what?" He asked

"For the nightmares to stop and hopefully to get Bailey back" I say

"What is it?" He asked

"Let's get dress first" I say giving him a kiss before walking back into my room


Once we was dress we both went over to Jessica and Alex's apartment, when we walked in everyone was there even Grayson

"Thank you for coming, I couldn't do this at my apartment" I say

"Bailey is missing and the police are probably working their ass of trying to find him. But I feel their trying hard enough so Charlie and I printed up some flyers it'll be really awesome if you can help us pass them out and hang them up all around the neighborhood to get people talking to get Bailey back faster" I say

"If you want to help please wear blue, to show support" I say


Everyone helped out to pass out the flyers with Bailey's picture and his information, we gave stores his picture to put in there window

It felt really good to be out the apartment and doing something, especially if it means getting Bailey back faster

After the all day of passing flyers out there was a knock at the door

I went and opened it to see Grayson

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I say

"Ethan said you wanted to talk to me" He says

"Yeah" I stepped out the hallway closing the door

"We use to be partners we're probably not the type of partners that use to be. But I will you find Bailey if you help me find him" I say

Grayson nods

"okay, but when we find Bailey and we will, we have to talk and not about what happened, about me and you because I can't stand not being to the one who keeps you warm at night" he says

I look down while crossing my arms

"Deal?" He asked holding out her hand

"Deal" I sigh shaking his hand

It became real awkward and silent. we stopped shaking hands we kinda just stared at each other

"Lilly?" Charlie says opening the door

"Yeah?" I asked

"Everything okay?" He says looking at Grayson and I

"Yeah, I needed to talk to Grayson but we're done" I say walking back inside

"Goodnight Grayson" I say

"Night" he says

I closed the door and looked through the peephole to watch him leave once he was gone I locked the door and walked away
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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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