Chapter 26

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Grayson's POV

Today was bit of a lazy day, Bailey wasn't feeling very good during the morning so Lilly took him to a clinic that's down the street, they came back a little of a hour ago, Lilly went to sleep while I watched Bailey

Ethan is still asleep, but Emily is down the hall at Alex and Jessica's apartment, I walked out of the bathroom, to hear Bailey cooing in the living room

I walked in to check on him, to see his wearing a complete different outfit, when he came back with Lilly, he was wearing some plane jammies

I picked him up to see he is wearing, I look at his shirt:

I squint my eyebrows in confusion, I lightly hear foot steps behind me, I turn around to see Lilly and her shirt

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I squint my eyebrows in confusion, I lightly hear foot steps behind me, I turn around to see Lilly and her shirt

I squint my eyebrows in confusion, I lightly hear foot steps behind me, I turn around to see Lilly and her shirt

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"what?" I mumbled

"Grayson, I have tell something" she says walking closer to me

"um let me guess your pregnant" I say still in shock

she chuckled coming closer to me

"the day Alex and Jessica came, I lied to you, I told you was going to get diapers but we didn't diapers, I suspose to get my period 2 weeks ago, I got a test, when I took the test it said positive, I got scared so I kept it as secret and today nothing was wrong with Bailey, I just said that so I could go to the clinic and I took another test and it positive, then I got a ultrasound, they told me I was 2 months pregnant  she says tears showing in her eyes

"2 months?!?" I says

"remember when we went to the cabin?" She asked

"That's impossible I used protection" I say shaking my head

"They can break" she shrugged

"But you wouldn't believe what I saw on the screen" she says biting her lip

"what?" I asked

"twins, we're having twins!" She smiles

"really!, this awesome!, we gotta tell everyone!" I say

"No!" She says calming me down

"What?, why?" I asked

"Alex and jessica are getting married, Ethan and Emily they are expecting too, they have so much to worry about, on top with what's going on with this stalker I don't want anyone to know" she says

"But Lilly their our friends, Ethan is my brother" I say

"I'm sorry I- I just - I'm not ready for everyone to know just yet, specially when my mom popping back into my life" she says

"Okay, I understand when your ready to tell everyone I'll be with you" I say nodding

"Can you believe it Bailey?, you going to be a big brother!" I say

Lilly giggled she then leaned I'm for a kiss, and then hug she pulled away to kiss Bailey's cheek and rub his hair

we heard a door open, but it was just Ethan

"Sorry, I'm just going to the bathroom" he says

"You good" I say

"Have you seen Emily?" He asked

"She with Alex and Jessica" I say

"Oh thanks" ethan says walking into the bathroom

"Imma go change my shirt then I'm going to hang with them" she says

"Okay" I nod giving her a kiss before she walked away

I put bailey back in his pajamas, and just watched him play with his toys


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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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