Chapter 24

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Lilly's POV

I just got back to the apartment, I went to Walgreen's to pick up some more diapers for Bailey, Grayson and Bailey stayed home

I just got off the elevator to my floor, I walk to my door and unlock as I walked in, I can hear the TV on

I closed the door and locked it, I walked down the hallway to see Grayson and a girl laying on the couch

The girl had short brown hair, she laid on his legs giggling

"Grayson" I say

"Oh um H-Hey Lilly" he says looking up at me

"Where's Bailey?" I asked

"I laid him down for a nap" he says

"So who is this?" I asked

"Um no one" he shrugged

"I'm not fucking idiot Grayson, I know that's someone!" I snap

"Well um-" he stuttered

"Are you really fucking serious, I can't believe you right now" I say getting upset and sand

"I ca-can explain" he says

"I don't want to hear it" I say walking away

Grayson gets up "it's a prank!" He says

I turn around to see...

"Jessica?" I say shocked

"Hi" she waved

"SURPRISE!" Alex jumped out from behind the couch

"And Alex?" I say surprise

I cover my mouth, and tears started going down my face, Alex came from behind the couch and gave me a hug, and Jessica joined

Once we pulled away from our hug, I calmed myself and wiped my tears

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"We know you guys left because you were afraid for getting us and your family I'm danger but you can't get rid of us that easy" Alex says

"How did you find us?" I asked

"I have cousin who's pretty good at hacking phones, but I have to give you  props it took him awhile to find you" Alex says

"There's another why we're here" Jessica says holding up her hand

I see a ring on her which just shocked me

"Your getting married? I say jumping up and down with Jessica

I stopped "so when's the wedding?" I asked

"2 weeks from now, we decided to go simple for the wedding we just want our closest friends there" she says

"Awww" I say

"I like your by the way" I say to Jessica

"Thanks, it was time for a change" she says

"Well, I'll be right back I need to go to the bathroom" I say walking away

Grayson's POV

As Lilly left to go the bathroom, I turn back to Alex and Jessica

"I still don't think it's a good idea you guys being here" I say

"Grayson, we are with you no matter what, we're not leaving you or Lilly and Bailey" Alex says

"Thanks" I smiled

"I was really scared when Lilly came in" Jessica says

"Me too, I thought she was going to break my nose" I say

Making them laugh

"What we talking about?" Lilly asked coming from the bathroom

"Grayson was telling us his reaction to your reaction to our little prank was scary" Jessica says

"He better be" Lilly says

"So what's for dinner?" lilly asked

"I'm thinking sushi" Alex says

"I like your thinking " Lilly says

I hear Bailey crying and I went to go get him and brought him out into the kitchen

Where Jessica took him out of my arms


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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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