Chapter 57

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Lilly's POV

It's been three days and it's going okay, I get visitors on the daily, but the nurse doesn't really let me leave my room

Meaning, I don't know what's going on with Jamie, I don't know if she made it through the surgery or not

"Hey Lilly" a nurse walked in

"Hey Greg" I say

"How was your lunch?" He asked

"Good" I say as he takes the tray and gives me a sample cup with my vitamins

"Greg" I say stopping him from leaving

"Yeah?" He turns around

"I take 2 vitamins what's this 3rd one?" I asked

"It's just little extra vitamins, it'll help you" he says turning around again

"Greg" I say

"Yeah?" He turns around again

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Yeah" he nods

"Can you tell me what's going on with Jamie?" I asked

He sighs "Lilly you know I can't answer that, plus I don't even work on that side of the hospital" he says

"Can you at least tell me if she's okay?" I asked

"I don't know, I'm sorry" he says

"It's okay, thanks Greg" I say taking my vitamins with water

"No problem" he says walking out of my room

A couple minutes later, Jessica and Emily walked in

"Hey" I say

"Hey" They says

I gave each of them hugs

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"We wanted like a girls day, we haven't did that since you know" Emily says

"Yeah Sure, where's Alex?" I asked

"She got stuck at work" Jessica says

"Oh" I say

"But she sends her love" Jessi says

"Okay, so what you guys wanna do?" I asked

"I don't know, just catch up with you I guess" Emily says


We sat in silence for a moment but after a while, we found a topic to talk about, Jessica told us about process of finding a donor and now Emily is showing me a picture of the triplets

She also told me funny stories about them, we talked and laughed so much we lost track of time, Greg came by to give me my vitamins he told Jessica and Emily it was time to leave we said our goodbyes and they left, I took my vitamins and Greg left...

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She also told me funny stories about them, we talked and laughed so much we lost track of time, Greg came by to give me my vitamins he told Jessica and Emily it was time to leave we said our goodbyes and they left, I took my vitamins and Greg left, a female came in to help me take a shower even through I don't need help but I don't say anything since she is only doing her job

After I took my shower I changed into a gown, and got ready for bed, the nurse said goodnight to me and I said it back, she walked out and close the door behind her as she left

After almost a hour of flipping and turning, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about Jamie and if she's okay

A wild thought popped into my head and without even thinking about it, I swinged the cover off of myself, I sat up and got off my bed, I walked over to the door I twisted the knob and the door opened I thought they locked the doors at night

I looked down both halls and their empty, I made my way to the elevator and to Jamie's room

I heard machines beeping as I stepped closer to her she asleep, I walked to her side and touched her hand

"May I help you?"

I jumped at the voice, I turn around to see a older gentlemen with a white coat on

"I'm sorry I just want to see her" I say

"Who are you?" He asked

"I'm Lilly, I'm a patient downstairs" I say

Then Greg walked in "Lilly I told you can't be up here!" He says

"No, she can stay" the doctor says

Greg leaves and the doctor walked to the other side of Jamie

"Dr. Melvin" he says shaking my hand

"How do you know her?" He asked

"She's my best friend" I say

"You two were kidnapped by the same person right?" He asked

"Yeah" I nod

"I read about you in the newspaper trying to get the word out about your son, how is he may I ask?" He asked

"He's fine, he's home with his dad" I say

"Is his father their father as well?" He asked pointing to my belly

I nod

"What are you having?" He asked

"I don't know the sex, but I having twins" I say

"Twins?" He asked

I nod

I look back at Jamie "will she ever wake up?" I asked

"She's in a coma but I think she will" he says

"How much damage was there?" I asked

"even through she just lost her foot, it was a lot of dead tissue, so we had to
amputated the rest of her calf" he says

"But she's make it, all she has to do is wake up" he says putting the cover back

"How are you so sure that she'll wake up?" I asked

"I have a lot of Faith in her, don't you?" He asked

I look back her "yeah, I do" I say

"She can hear you, don't be afraid to talk to her might help her wake up" he says

"And you can sleep in the bed next to her if you want" he says

"Thank You" I say

He smiled before walking out of her room

I pulled a chair next to her


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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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