Chapter 20

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Grayson's POV

A couple hours later we finally got home, I helped Lilly upstairs while Johnson carried Bailey upstairs

I let Lilly sleep for couple hours, and went to check on her for every hours or so

But now it's 10:30pm and Lilly and I are going out, I already put Bailey asleep and I asked Johnson and Sammy to babysit, I already got dress:

But now it's 10:30pm and Lilly and I are going out, I already put Bailey asleep and I asked Johnson and Sammy to babysit, I already got dress:

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I walked into my room to see Lilly putting on her shoes:

I walked into my room to see Lilly putting on her shoes:

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"You ready?" I asked her

"Yeah" she nodded

"You sure you feel better?" I asked her

"Yeah, I took some Pepto Bismol, I threw up but it made me feel much better" she says

"Do you know what could made you sick like that?" I asked

"Maybe I ate something that was old" she shrugged

"Maybe" I say

My phone dinged, I look at it, I got text message saying that our ubers here

"Our ride is here" I say

"Okay" she says

I helped her up, and we walked downstairs

"You crazy kids don't stay out too late" Sammy says

"Take care of our child" I say before we both walked out , I closed the door behind us

I opened the car door and let Lilly in first then I got in, I closed the door

"What have you guys out so late?" The uber driver asked while pulling out of the drive way

"I don't think that's your business" Lilly snapped

I put hand on hers "we're visiting our friends" I lied

"Okay" he says


"And we are here" the uber driver stops in front of a house

"You kids stay outta trouble alright?" the uber driver says

I walk the door "Why don't you suck my-" Lilly says before I stopped her

"Have a nice night" I say as we both get out the car, I closed the door

"What is with you?" I asked her

"He was being nosy, I don't like nosy people" she says walking away

"But you don't have to be rude about it" I say following her

I noticed she's not paying attention to me, she's staring at what's in front of her

I look at what's she's looking at, it's a house

"Where are we?" I asked her

"Before I met you, I use to live here" she says

"What are we doing here?" I asked

"C'mon" she says running into the backyard

"Lilly!" I whispered but she keeps running I then go after her

"What are you doing we can get in trouble for trespassing!" I whispered

"No we won't, no one lives here" she says

She opens a window and climb into the house

"Lilly!, What are you doing?" I asked

"C'mon!" She says

I climb in and see I'm in the bathroom, it's dark since it's night time

I turned on the flashlight on my phone, Lilly opens the door and walked out and I followed her

She walked into a room that's painted blue with stickers on the door

"Was this your room?" I asked

"Yeah" she nods

"What are we doing here?" I repeat myself

"Oh right, I got distracted" she says walking out the room and into the next one I followed her

"This was my dad's room" she says

I felt my spine become tense, the thought of David

She walks towards the closet, and sits on the floor, I up behind her to see what's she is doing

She popped off one of the floor boards, and pulled out a shoebox

"Got it!" She says

She puts the floor board back in place and she stands up "let's go" she says

We go into the bathroom, and hopped out the window, Lilly closed the window when she hopped out


As we wait for our uber, we sat on the curb in front of her old house, the shoebox sat on her lap

"What's in the shoebox?" I asked

"The money for our apartment" she says

"I did you know the shoebox was there?" I asked

"Before my mom letter my dad and I, she left a shoebox with money in it so I wanted to go to college I can. But they took 10 bucks outta my dad's pay so it getting hard for him to buy all those things for me, he so broke he couldn't even buy me sanitary napkins. Then he found this shoebox with a note saying it's my college funds, he going to take the money since it was for me, but then he needed some money for groceries then someone tries to break into our house, he needed the money to fix the windows and change the locks. He ended up spending all the money, When he noticed all the money was gone. He got two jobs, He worked late so he save up all the money" she says

"How much is in there?" I asked

She opened the box "Almost 600k" she says

"When we buy our house we'll still have some left over" she says

"Some?, you mean a lot" I chuckled

A car stopped in front of us, honking it's horn, the person rolled down their window

"You called for a uber?" The driver asked

"Yeah" I nodded, I stood up and helped Lilly

We walked across the street, and I opened the door

"How bout we get some pizza before we go home" I say

"How bout Chinese food?" She asked

"Are you ever going to get tired of Chinese food?" I asked

"Nope" she says getting inside the car

"Didn't think so" I say getting in to and closing the door

Check out my new story: Bad Influence!

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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