6. Food Fight

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"No." I say straightforwardly as Ernest and Dexter show me our room. If Kelly was here right now she'd gladly take my spot to share a room with these twins. But I don't want to, I want to sleep by myself with no other bodies - two in this case - enclosing me in that bed. And why would they want to sleep in the same bed anyway!?

"Why not! It'll l be fun!" Ernest pouted and I shook my head, I'll admit, the room was amazing. It would be even more amazing if I didn't have to share it. I don't feel like waking up to seeing these godly men everyday, I'll start to envy them. And I don't like spooning either, it's weird and I've never done it before nor do I want to.

"It'll be fun for you two. Not for me and my safety and virginity! I'm pure and intend to stay that way."

"Would've never guessed with your mouth." I somehow heard Dexter mumble and I glare at him, rolling my eyes as he heads to the bed.

"It's not like we will take advantage of you. This is only the beginning. We have to see tomorrow how your body is handling our bite, and then we will train with the others. After that we will have to fix the way you dress, you've the same thing for almost two days, that's gross."

"Naw dip Sherlock! It's because you both adult-napped me and I don't t have any spare clothes with me. My closet is all the way in LA, not in wherever we are!"

"Thank you for stating the obvious, Miss. Obvious, I know that and I already had some clothes picked out for you."

"Yes! We are having a special dinner to celebrate us getting our first mate! Isn't that exciting!?" Ernest gushed like a child, and I saw how it got to Dexter who was smiling at his brothers face.

"Sure. Who'll be there?"

"I believe about forty people including us and lots of adults. Some kids, but not the little ones, just the preteens and teens. I'd watch out for most of the females, they will most likely try to find your weak spot to try to degrade your spirit," Dexter rubbed my back kindly as he grinned," don't listen to anything." He advised sweetly, and I actually could tell that he was sincere.

"Okay...thank you for the heads up. It takes a lot to bring me down, but I appreciate the tip." I nod as I find myself walking to the couch in the room in front of the fireplace. I sit there, watching as the fire crackled peacefully, blue rays at the tips of the flame and almost like a show.

"You know Renee, we want you to be happy. We get how we abruptly came into your life and are all of a sudden making you start a new one. But I just want you to know, we-." Before Ernest could finish his sentence a few knocks were made on the closed door.

Dexter cussed under his breath as he headed over, flinging open the door to find four very pretty girls in skimpy clothing. He shook his head as I could tell this was common for him and Ernest.

"What do you want Isabelle?" His voice was hard and almost threatening as the girls stood there with fake smiles on their face.

"We wanted to make friends with your new mate. We even brought some clothes for the special dinner planned." She seemed sincere enough, I smiled as I stood from the couch, walking over to her as I went passed Dexter and Ernest. But I felt this feeling that told me they knew their true intentions...

I glanced over a them before I walked off with the girls, seeing them glaring at the girls, but Ernest gave me a halfhearted thumbs up, while Dexter went in the room. At least one person showed some empathy.

"Come on! We can't wait for you to see the clothes we picked out. It is a dinner where we all show our teenage days through our clothing. We all want you to look a part of the group." Isabelle and the other girls smiled, nodding as they seemed to be telling the truth.

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