Take Your Hanji To Work Day

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Petra and Levi had come over to visit. "Hanji, Mikasa told me what happened. And I'm so sorry" Petra hugged Hanji. As they hugged Levi came in with two children, Farlan and Kuchel. "Hey guys" Hanji said smiling at the kids. Kuchel just hugged her auntie and said, "It's okay, we are here for you" Once Levi put Farlan down he went over to Hanji. "The pain will ease but until them you have... Four-eyes". Hanji hugged Levi, "Thank you" Levi decided not to move until she was done. "Auntie Hanji, can I get a hug too?" Farlan asked. Hanji picked him up, "Oh, of course" Having everyone here really cheered Hanji up. So while they were over they talked about Hanji's list, they all agreed that  what she had on the list would be of help. Though half way through that Petra in Levi's opinion threw him under the bus by suggesting that Levi had her as his PA for maybe a week. And at that moment Levi wasn't in a position to argue so now had have Hanji at work for round about a week...

-Monday morning-

Levi and Hanji were on their way to work. Hanji was really excited, this would be a new experience for her. He showed her his class room, "And this is where I try and not kill people !" Hanji laughed at what Levi said but then she felt like she was about to puke. She ran over to the bin then threw up. "Oh god Hanji. What the hell !?" Levi said as she puke in his bin. "Damn morning sickness" she groaned. Levi just kinda of stared at her, Hanji just realised what she said. She got up with the bin in her hand and looked at Levi. "Hanji, now you better tell me the truth or that bin will be on your head. Are you pregnant and who's the father?". Hanji looked at Levi's serious expression and knew that she had no other choice but to tell him. "I am preggers... and, um, the dad is Moblit..." as Hanji finished she cried. She went over to hug Levi and to make the situation even better for Levi a certain Mr. Smith had to come in. "Hey, I- Am I interrupting something?" Erwin asked. Levi had a dark expression, "No... no you're not" Hanji pulled away from hugging Levi to see who just came in. "Hello, I'm Hanji nice to meet you. Em?" Erwin smiled at the brunette, "I'm Erwin, I teach chemistry. Nice to meet you" Hanji and Erwin managed to get into a deep conversation about science. So that left Levi to get rid of the sick and tidy up before class started.

The bell rang. "I have to go now, see you later Hanji" Erwin said as he left. Hanji seemed more than smitten, in Levi's opinion Hanji had a crush but what did he know. His first class came in and the first thing out of their mouths were 'who's she?'. Levi said that he'd explain it once they were quiet and sat down. So once that happened he explained that Hanji was his PA but only for a short while. And somehow that statement cause a bunch of conversations or rather shouting matches. Levi had already had enough this morning so they got wrath pretty quickly. "Shut up you shitty brats! I cannot take a second more of your irritating as hell voices!" Levi shouted. After that there was silence and Levi went back to being peaceful. Hanji was a little thrown off after the sudden noise but she was okay after a little while.

For most of the classes Levi got Hanji to do the work, being Levi's assistant is hard. Hanji was so happy when lunch time came around. "Finally!" Hanji said in relief. Levi glanced at her then continued doing paperwork. "Levi, I'm hungry" she complained. Levi rolled his eyes and got up, "I'll be back in a moment" He left, Hanji just sat on the table. To pass the time she rummaged through Levi's desk. She flicked through the papers, nothing interesting there. Next was the drawers, no gold struck yet. The first drawer had pens and stuff. Bottom drawer, locked. But the second one was its own little gold mine. She found photos, money, his phone and one of Kuchel's drawings. But one thing really surprised Hanji, it was a lighter and a pack of cigarettes with one missing. 'Why does Levi have these ?' she thought to herself. Quickly she picked up the two items and shoved them in her pocket before closing the drawer. And that was perfect timing since the second she closed the drawer Levi came in. He just gave her a weird look then handed her a sandwich, "Here". She smiled, "Thanks" Hanji grew a little suspicious of Levi after what she found.

Levi explained to her that he doesn't have any classes the last two periods of the day so they have some free time. Hanji sat on Levi's chair and spun herself around while Levi played the violin. "I didn't know you played the violin" Hanji said as spun. "Well, I do. I also play the piano if didn't know that either" Levi told her with a proud tone. Hanji stopped spinning at looked at the raven haired male, this would be a good moment to ask about 'it'. "Levi". "Want do you want now" he asked putting his violin down. "I want to ask you about these" Hanji said holding up the lighter and cigarettes. "Hanji mudafacking Zoe, where the hell did you get those !?" Levi said rather loudly. Hanji looked at him seriously, "I got them from your desk. Why do you have these?" Levi looked to the side, it was about time that someone asked. "They're a vice, I've meant to get rid of them...". Hanji got up and made her way to the door then went out. He followed her out. She emptied the pack on the ground then stomped on them several time until they destroyed. "Your welcome" Hanji smiled handing him the lighter.

It was now the last period of the day and both Hanji and Levi were bored. So they ended up just talking. 

"Levi, do you think I'll be a good mother?" Hanji asked.

"Yeah, I think you would. You're good with kids, you know how to take care of others. And I can picture you picture with a mini four - eyes" Levi snickered.

"Thanks, I'm just a little scared though. I'll be on my own... Oh I wish I still had Moblit. I still miss him so much, I mean the pain is still so fresh in my heart" Hanji said sounding distressed.

"It well ease eventually, take in from me. You just have to give it time and try not to think about the person too much or it'll only make it worse" Levi told her.

"Wow Levi. That's some good advice, where did you get that?" Hanji asked.

"Well, I've had to go through that process a few times. First was my mother then my uncle and then it was my two closest friends. So I understand the pain of losing someone all to well..." Levi said with a warm tone.

Hanji didn't know that he had lost so many people, that could be one of the biggest reasons that he's so hung up on protecting everyone. Though she knew herself that it's gonna take a while to end the grieving for Moblit but until it doesn't end to not go about depressed and gloomy. Maybe it'll get easier for her but at least she had completed something on her list, she had met someone new. And maybe she'd get to know them better.

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