Little Isabel

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Hanji's P.O.V

My whole body feels drained, I'm so tired. I hope Isabel is alright, I'm quite lonely at the moment. The nurse told me that I should rest and that I'd see my baby soon. But see as it's 8PM she was more meaning that I should just get a good nights sleep and I'd see her in the morning. However I can't sleep, I have too may thought flying around inside my head. But among all my thoughts an for-filling feeling, like it I was on a chapter of my life. I suppose I am... Even so I really should sleep, laying here awake won't bring morning any quicker. So, I close my eyes and let my mind settle. I hope to dream about my new family!

It seemed like I was only asleep for a few seconds when a nurse woke me up. I was having a nice dream, it was about me and my daughter. The nurse told me that I'd be going home today which is good to hear. I sit in the clean white bed that I've been a while now, I'm waiting for any further information. For example, you can go home now, I'd like to hear that. I just want to go home, I want to go home and build my little family. I have such high hopes for the coming future, I'm sure things will be better for now on! The nurse came back in, this time with a wide smile. "You're okay to go now! I'll let you get changed first, your kin brought you some clothes" the nurse chirped. The lady handed me my clothes and left. I made an excited noise once the nurse had closed the door, this is great! I hurriedly get myself into my clothes and leave the room, outside I meet the nurse from before. She takes me to the nursery where I get my precious Isabel back. I hold Isabel in my arms, she squirms a bit. She has her dad's eyes and they're beautiful. 

I smile as the nurse walks me to reception where I see the guys waiting for me. I'm glad to see everyone, it feels good to be with them again. "Auntie Hanji!" Kuchel and Farlan cry before getting hushed by Levi for being much too loud. "Can we see her!?" Kuchel asked excited. I nodded and lower myself just enough that they can see Isabel. Kuchel was thrilled to thing there was another little girl she could befriend but Farlan seems to be dazed. Farlan mumbled something about Isabel then asked me a question, "Will it be long before I can play with Isabel?" I chuckle, "I'm afraid so, she's very little and it'll be quite a while before she can properly play with you Farlan" He frowns, Farlan seems to be pretty struck on Isabel. How cute!

Erwin gave me a small nudge, I think he wants us to get going. "Uh, would you all like to met somewhere?" I ask. Petra was quick to suggest that we gather at her house, like normal. That was good enough for us all. So it was sorted, we just needed a time. "What time?" I continue. "Whenever you're ready, just call and we'll sort something!" Petra smiled. This is why I love my friend so much, they're so caring. "Okay, I'll give you a call! Well then, I think its time we got going" I say as I started going toward the exit. "Bye bye"

Erwin leads me to the car, I look in the back and saw the car seat. It seems surreal, I never thought I'd have a family and now this is happening! I feel so happy, I just can't contain my emotions so such so that I start crying. "Oh, Hanji! Are you okay!?" Erwin stressed over me. I hold on to Isabel a little tighter, Isabel at that moment was unimpressed by my crying and decided to show me how to cry properly by crying herself. Erwin is now, from what I can tell, even more stressed. He has a crying girlfriend and baby in his care. "Okay, okay. Take a deep breath Hanji. Just breath and try and calm down!" He told me as he put his arms out to take Isabel. He gently rocked her trying to soothe her mean while I tried to get myself together. "Okay, I'm alright now..." I said exhaling heavily. He smiled at me, "Good! - Shhhhhh" Midway through speaking to me he hushed Isabel, still trying to calm her down. Soon her cries faded and she quieted down. I opened the car down so that Erwin could put Isabel into her car seat. As I waited I thought about how pleasing it was to see Erwin hold Isabel and act so fatherly, it was a wonderful sight. He backs out, "She's in" I nodded, although he couldn't see it at the moment. I then proceed to get into the front passenger seat as he goes into the driver's seat. 

The starts and we start moving. I still can't believe this is actually happening but I suppose I really should believe it. I look back, Isabel is asleep. I know that I should enjoy the silence because I won't be seeing it much for a long time. "Are you alright Hanji?" Erwin says out of the blue. "I'm fine, I'm just enjoying the silence" I reply. He keeps his eyes on the road, "I guess we'll have to make the most of it" I look at him, he looks like he wants to say more. "Erwin, is everything okay?" I asked. "Yes... I was just thinking about how... Uh, how proud Moblit would be. His daughter is beautiful" "Yeah..." I was scared this would happen, that he'd always be in the mind set that he's just Moblit's stand in... We really need to talk about it. I mean for the most of Isabel's life Erwin will be her dad and she won't think different, he'll be her only dad until she's old enough to be told about Moblit. This will be difficult...

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