Is This A Joke To You?

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The weekend was here and it was time to relax, that was clearly a lie. Eren had to go into work because someone called in sick so Mikasa was over at the Ackerman household which was calm for once. So Levi, Petra, Mikasa and the kids were all in the living room to talking or in the kids case playing. Everything was okay that was until Petra and Mikasa got up and started getting ready to go somewhere. Then this bomb was dropped, "Levi, we're going to go out for a little bit look after the kids!". And like that they left, leaving Levi a little confused.

Levi's P.O.V

Great, I've been left with these little horrors. "Daddy, I wanna play a game!!!" Kuchel shouted. I sighed, "Like what?". She paused for thought. "Snakes and ladders!" cried the young girl. "I wanna play that too!" Farlan shouted. Damn loud children, they need some volume control! Since the little ones want to play snakes and ladders I better find snakes and ladders, the only problem is I have no idea where it is. Time to search all the cupboard, who the hell did I kill to deserve this? Not that I killed anyone. Fortunately they were in the cupboard by the window so I didn't have to go far. "Okay, I've got the game!" I annouced to my little brats. They cheered a little before settling down, now I assume they both know how to play. So without further disruption we played the game but things became sticky quickly and it was a from three little words. "That's not fair!" Farlan was having a hissy fit since he wasn't winning and Kuchel was, and instead of dealing with it calmly Kuchel turned into a screaming match. And that triggered a beautiful domino effect! So the shouting caused Carla and Eric to wake up  thus causing them to cry meaning all there was to be heard was painful noise and I am not having that! "You two! Shut it!" I shouted over everything making Kuchel and Farlan go silent.  Finally, they're quiet.

Carefully I pick up the twins, I tried rocking them but that proved awkward since there was two of them but nevertheless I got the little ones back to sleep. Gently I placed them back into their travel cot, letting them continue to rest. I turned to face Kuchel and Farlan who were now somewhat scared. See, Petra and I have clear roles when it comes to the kids, and they go beyond good cop, bad cop. I'd think more, Satan and guardian angel. Although Satan only comes into play if they piss me off, which is a talent they both have. "Sorry for making so much noise" they both apologised. Just as was about speak the door bell rang and the door opened, what now? "Hey, Levi. Mikasa said you and the kids would be here!" said a certain voice.


That's just what I need, perfect, dandy! "Hello Eren" I said before having the kids shout over me. At least I could get Eren to entertain the children, even for a little while.

-End of Levi's P.O.V-

 -Meanwhile with the girls-

Mikasa and Petra were wondering about all the baby shops in town. However it was just browsing, not buying. Mikasa just wanted to get out, even just for a little while. Also she wanted to ask Petra some question and generally have some girl time. So they swung by Starbucks to grab a coffee before doing some more wondering. As they walked about Mikasa decide to start talking.

"Petra, do you think Eren and I will be good parents?" she asked.

Petra smiled to the raven haired female, "Of course, I think you will be and are wonderful parents!"

Mikasa let out a small sigh of relief, "Thank you, I'm glad you thinks so. I've just been a little worried that we're not doing something right. It's just all so new to us!"

"It's natural to worry and to be unsure. You're new parents and it'll be a big learning curve but everything will end out okay!" Petra said reassuringly.

This proved quite helpful for Mikasa seeing as Petra is very motherly, that and she has two kids who seem well raise. Well, as well raised as you could be with Levi Ackerman as your father. Speaking of Levi, it was about time for the pair to return. They took bets to as what state the house will be in and what will be going on. Mikasa said that she thought it would be a mess and Levi would be on the verge of homicide whereas Petra thought the house would be as they left it and it would be calm. Both ladies had an equal chance of being right so it was left to fate. There was £10 at stake, so it was just a little wager.

The duo came to the door, it was time. Petra opened the door and they entered the living room where they saw Levi, Eren, Kuchel, Farlan and twin all bundled together, all fast asleep. Nothing out of place. "You owe me now" Petra chuckled. Mikasa didn't care it was worth it though. Quickly they both snapped a photo of the scene, but once the pictures had been taken a low voice chimed, "Show those to anyone and god help me!" The pair laughed, still worth it!

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