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Hanji sat in her bed, another sleepless night. She wanted to talk to someone but at the same time she didn't. Hanji just confused herself, it was terrible. She extended her arm towards her night stand, patting around for her phone. It took a little while but she finally got a hold of it, now that she had it she quickly dialled a number. Hanji desperately wanted some to talk to. With bated breath she waited, hoping that they'd pick up at the other end. However it was 2AM and a week day so the chances were low. "Come on..." she whispered. There hadn't yet been a reply and Hanji was slowly giving up hope. "H-hello, who is dis?" said a confused voice. "Hi Erwin, it's Hanji!" she said happily. There was a gentle sigh from the other side.

"Hanji, you know its 2AM, don't you?" he yawned

"I-I do... I just wanted someone to talk to..." Hanji replied timidly

"I understand, so what's on your mind?" Erwin asked trying to hide that he was extremely tired.

"Well, I've been really... sad lately. There isn't really a main reason but it was triggered today when I was with Levi, Eren and the rest. We'd just got back from the hospital and in front of me was two happy families. And-and there I was all alone, ever since Moblit passed away I've been so scared, I mean I know everyone will help me but I want my child to have a father figure at least..." she said sadness laced in her tone.

"I see, if its any help I can always help you out. I mean, you're going to be an amazing mother just if you ever need help I'll be there!" he said kindly.

Hanji took a deep breath, "Thank you... It means a lot..."

"What's wrong, I can tell there's something still wrong"

"I-I don't if I should tell you" Hanji replied nervously.

"Hanji, you can tell me anything!" Erwin reassured.

"Alright... Here we go! Erwin, I... I love you!" She blurted.

Silence fall and Hanji felt as if she had made a huge mistake. It dragged out for a little until a strong male voice was heard. "I see, you love me. I want us to talk about this, please meet me after work today. Meet me by the school gates, alright?". "Yes, I understand. Um, I should let you get back to sleep!" Hanji said sounding happier.

-Morning- -Ackerman household-

Everyone was getting ready to start their day when there was a knock at the door. "It must be Hanji, Levi can you answer it!" Petra called from the living room. Levi did as asked and answered the door, he opened it to not only Hanji but also Mikasa and the twins. "Hello..." The two females smiled at him before walking in. He understood why Hanji was here, she was still his PA, but Mikasa was another story. Following them to the living room he questioned why Mikasa was here and he was told that her and Petra are now getting together to look after the twins and Farlan. He nodded, this was the first he had heard of it. "Okay Hanji we need to be going! Bye Petra" he kissed his wife. "Bye Mikasa" he kissed her cheek. "Bye kids" he waved to them. "Come on four eyes!".

They were on there way, Hanji sat shotgun. There was an awkward silence, it made the air feel heavy. "Levi, can I tell you something?" She said breaking the silence. "That is?" Levi said as he watched the road. "Em, well I was speaking to Erwin last night and I kinda blurted out that I love him" Hanji told the raven haired male. "Okay, that's nice. You and him would go well together" he said straight out to Hanji whose face was bright red. She sighed with relief, it was like she gad just received Levi's blessing. After that they spent the remainder of the trip in a peaceful silence.

The school day started like any other, his first class of the day was a first year class. He was showing the kids an example on the white board when one girl stuck her hand in the air. "What is it Emily?" he growled. "What are those marks on your wrists Mr. Ackerman?" the curious girl asked. Levi's heart dropped, his mind went back to that dark moment. He froze, seeing this Hanji replied to the student. "It's nothing Emily" The student nodded accepting the answer. Levi still stood there as still as a statue. Hanji got up, "Levi, are you okay?" His breath hitched and he shook his head, "I need a moment..." Levi quickly left the classroom. 

Outside Levi felt himself tremble, he was dragged back into that dark moment. "My scars..." Levi whispered as he touch the scar on his left wrist then the one on his right. He didn't understand why his demons couldn't just stay back. The healing was still in process.

Although inside Hanji had given the class some work to do, she needed to keep them occupied. Stepping outside she check up on Levi. "Levi, how are doing?" she asked as softly as she could. He sighed heavily, "I need to leave, I need to clear my head..." Hanji nodded, "I'll take care of the class and I'll notify the office. I hope you clear your head and get yourself together soon" With those last remarks Levi left. And it wasn't until he was gone that it occurred to Hanji that with Levi leaving she'd have no ride home. That proved to be a problem.

Since Hanji didn't actually know what to do she just let the classes watch a movie instead of work. Easy enough and none of the classes minded. This made the day go much, much quicker.

The bell rang, all the students left. Hanji's heart started beating quicker, it was do or die. She left the classroom and made her way to the gates where a tall sandy blond stood waiting for her. She seemed to slow down once she saw him, she was nervous. "H-hello Erwin" she stuttered. "Hey Hanji" he smiled. His smile seemed to make all of her nerves disappear. "You wanted to talk..." Hanji said softly. He nodded, "Yeah, I think we should talk some where private" The first suggestion was to go to Erwin's place, which they were both open to. And since they were together she got to ride shotgun with him.

Once at Erwin's house there were no more ways to avoid talking. They both sat on the sofa, Erwin spoke first.

"So, you told me that you love me. And it's not that I don't believe you I just need to clear something up before I can return the feeling. Okay?" he said confidently.

Hanji nodded calmly, "Yes, go on"

"Right, right... Em, I've only got one thing to ask..." Erwin trailed off. 

"That is?"

He took a deep breath before answering the brunette, "Are you just saying that you love me because you want your child to have a father figure?"

Hanji looked surprised and a little, "No, never! I see why you'd think that... But no. I love you Erwin and my love for you has nothing to do this child!"

After Hanji said that a wave of guilt washed over Erwin, how could he even of thought that. "I'm sorry Hanji, I just got worried for a moment. But I understand now and-and I can freely say that I love you too!" he apologised. Hanji's face lit up and she hugged Erwin, she was so happy that he loved her back. And it only can as a sort of bonus that he'd be there for her and the kid. Everything appears to be getting better, little by little.

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