An Abnormal Day

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A normal would be going to work, teaching brats, having lunch with four eyes and eyebrows, teaching more brats and then returning home to beloved. That is a normal day for one Levi Ackerman however today would be quiet different.

Levi was teaching his second year class scales while Hanji sat at the side listening. Everything was fine until Hanji found herself in a lot of pain, but she just bite her lip and clenched her fists instead of making noise. But her discomfort was very clear. "Miss Hanji, are you okay" asked a pupil drawing attention to her. "No!" She cried out. "I'm having c-contractions" The class was thrown into chaos at that, the pupils were freaking out. Levi told Hanji to stay calm and get into the most comfortable position she could. So Hanji took her jumper off, put it under her head and laid down on the table, she was comfy despite the terrible pain she felt. He had to keep in mind that labour could last any thing between 45 minutes and 72 hours. "Alright brats, calm the f*** down! Someone go get the school nurse and someone else call an ambulance, but not yet" Levi said confidently. One kid left the class to get the nurse while everyone else just stood about. "Ow, ow, ow! Levi, it hurts!" Hanji cried. Levi went over to Hanji, "Okay, just take a deep breath. In, out, in, out.".

Twenty minutes had passed and Hanji had only gotta loud and cried out more. It was clear that she had went into labour, it became apparent that she'd be on the 45 minutes end of the spectrum. "One of you lot, phone an ambulance!" Levi hissed. He turned back to Hanji, "Alright, you need to take your jeans off Hanji" She just looked at Levi, she didn't want to but she knew she had to. Gingerly she removed her jeans but she stopped at her for the good reason that the class was standing there looking at her. "Brats. Out. NOW!" Levi said shooting them a glare. They left one by one. Once they had all left she felt a little less tense, it wasn't much fun having a whole high school class starring at you. "Ahhhhh, Levi! I think it's coming!" she howled. Levi took a deep breath, he had to keep it together. Quickly he opened the door and told one of the students to get Mr.Smith and do now, then went back in. He briefly looked down at his watch, 40 minutes since the contractions started, this could be it. "Alright Hanji just do what feels natural!" he said calmly.

So she started pushing, it was about then Levi started to panic a little. He held her had at just let her get on with it. Levi kept an eye on every little thing that went on. "I can't" Hanji cried as she stopped pushing. "Come on Hanji, you can do it! Just think about holding your beautiful baby!" Levi said giving her more confidence. She nodded, then continued pushing as best as she could. Seeing that things were moving on Levi let go of her hand and kept an eye on what was going 'there'. She kept pushing and pushing until she heard Levi saying "I can see it, keep going!" Hanji did her best to continue pushing, crying out because of the pain. She had been pushing for quite a while then suddenly  crying was heard. "Is it okay? Is it a boy or a girl?" Hanji asked breathlessly. "It's a girl" Levi said with a small smile. The moment he finished the door opening it was Erwin, "I'm here!" Hanji smiled weakly while Levi beckoned him over. Levi gave Erwin the baby to hold as he murmured something along the lines of "Keep her warm" Nimbly Levi began to unbutton his shirt, he received some odd looks, once he had the shirt off he gave it to Erwin and instructed him to wrap it around the baby. Eventually the ambulance turned up and Hanji was whisked off to hospital. Erwin was allowed to go with her.

After they'd left Levi's class returned they were greeted with a shirtless Mr.Ackerman. The girls faces went red and the boys just looked embarrassed, a few pictures were taken. Today was quite eventful...

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