Welcome To The World

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Eren's P.O.V

I'm pacing around the waiting room in of the hospital. She's just giving birth, it'll be okay. God, where is everyone!? I think I'm shaking, I am I scared? Dammit, I am scared! I don't understand why I was sent out in the first place. As I pace I unknowingly crack my knuckles, damn. "Eren!" Quickly I turn on the balls of  my feet to see the three faces I've longed to see. "Hanji, Petra!" I smiled accidentally missing out Levi and because of that he glared at me, I gulped. "Is Mikasa alright?" Hanji asked noticing the fact the Eren has been shaking. "I-I don't know, first I was in there then the next thing I know they're shoving me out of the room" I told them as twiddled my fingers. Petra put her hand on my shoulder, "She'll be okay! I'm sure of it" Despite her kind words worry still flowed through me like a raging river. I began to feel dizzy because of my nerves, I rubbed my temples. 

A nurse came over to us, "Do you all know Mikasa Jäeger?" she asked. We all nodded, the nurse sighed. "Well, I should say that during labour she lost a lot of blood. We're currently unsure of her condition but the children are fine. You have a beautiful baby boy and baby girl" After that she left and as she left I felt myself fall apart, my tears fall to the floor. "Mikasa..." I whisper. But after the words leave my lips I feel a strong hand grab my shoulder and pull me up, I was met with steely grey hues. "Okay Eren, you're going to get it together. You hear me! Mikasa is going to be fine and you know that, so-" He slapped me in mid sentence. "-Man up!" Petra and Hanji stood there wide eyed. I was in shock of a second but then I quickly hugged him, "Thank you". Levi rolled his eyes and scraped me off him, "You don't have to say that" I guess I just felt grateful, I mean he must be just as worried because this is his sister that we're talking about. 

So as time passed we were soon invited to see the little ones. I saw my to little darlings in their little cribs, their names were the first things that came to mind. I looked closely at what the plates say, the girl was named Carla and the boy Eric. I felt myself  tear up again, she chose those names for me. "Eren, are you alright?" Hanji asked. I nodded, "Yeah, I'm alright..." I just wanted to keep my mind on the image of seeing Mikasa hold our darling little babies. God, this all makes my heart hurt so much. Hanji patted my back, "She'll be fine and soon you four will be home together like one big happy family!" I smiled, we will be one big happy family. Someone tapped my shoulder, "Excuse me?" I turned to see who was talking to me, it was another nurse. "Yes?" I say politely as I can at this moment. "Um, I'd just like to tell you that. Your wife is fine! And will be discharged tomorrow along with the children" she chirped before turning around and leaving. I sort of stood there, it took an hour to get sorted. That was unbelievably quick but I'm not complaining! I don't suppose I could visit her though, that only really leaves me the choice of leaving. "We should go, there is not reason for us to stick around" I said to everyone. "If you say so" Levi replied in a low tone as he walked past me. We got out to the car park when it occurred to me that I don't have a car or any way to get home. I gave Levi the smile that said I-need-a-favour-and-you're-here-so-please. He growled and rolled his eyes, "I'll give you a lift". "Thank you" I chimed. I sat in the back this Hanji, she let me pat her baby bump. It'll be her turn soon, exciting isn't it. 

As we drove along I day dreamed of me, Mikasa and the kids being a happy family. How wonderful it will be and it'll only be a day away. My thoughts ran away with me, its better than what I have at the moment. We'll be together soon, ever so soon...

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